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  1. M

    Capture a WEP password already on machine?

    its in there, but it wont reveal the password unless I know what it is. And that completely defeats the purpose of me trying to figure it out.
  2. M

    Capture a WEP password already on machine?

    I have my mac laptop hooked up to my colleges wireless WEP protected network. The WEP password is stored somewhere on this machine because I am able to connect to the network. I wish to figure out what the password is so I can connect on my desktop, and Wii. Anyone know of a way of doing this?
  3. M

    So, in your experience, what went wrong in the Macs?

    I have a G5 PowerPC that has 2x250gig HDDs RAID 0 together, and one of them went corrupt for no apparent reason. Other than that, I have never had any issues that I didnt do myself.
  4. M

    iBook G4 issue (please help)

    On my girlfriends older iBook G4 I had to reset the password. Now I am not able to log in. I reset the password twice. And now it appears as there is no user on the machine period. When I type in the username and password it just gets stuck, I can move the mouse and access the shut down...
  5. M

    How Old are You?

    19 right now, but I started using a Mac when I was 16 years old. I have been hooked for almost 4 years.
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    WTB Left Shift Key 17" Titanium Powerbook

    Well, this is weird. But I took the shift-key from my old laptop, and put it on my newer one. And they both work without any problems...
  7. M

    WTB Left Shift Key 17" Titanium Powerbook

    My left shift key has turned to crap, it wont stay on at all. So I was curious if anyone had an old laptop they would be willing to rip the shift key and sell it to me. I dont know what it is worth, but I will pay what you think is fair.
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    How does Licence work for OSX?

    Well, right when Tiger came out. I pirated it on my older Powerbook, but then I got a new powerbook, which came with Tiger. So... I guess I was using it as a trial run before I bought it. As I will prolly do with Leopard. The mac is an amazing machine, to not give Apple the money they deserve...
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    Old Games On Widescreen Monitor?

    I have a 30" and it runs things like Warcraft III, SimCity 4, Neverwinter Nights just fine.
  10. M

    iMage USB webcam

    does this scare anyone else?
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    Internet Games?

    good luck, just get World of Warcraft.
  12. M

    Possible to Migrate?

    Well I had an issue with one of my HDDs (I have 2x250gig in a RAID 0, the one where they mirror each other.) And I did a dumb thing trying to fix it before I saw the repair option... and I took one of the HDDs out of the RAID. I understand that the only way to put it back into RAID is if I swipe...
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    iTunes is unstable... OSX 10.4.6 Build 8I127

    prolly I only have around 3400 songs in my library, and no probs. nothing like you have said.
  14. M

    Safari or Firefox?

    I prefer firefox, but that is just me.
  15. M

    Mac iPod on a Windows machine.

    you cant transfer any music from your iPod -> computer (win/mac) Just computer (win/mac) -> iPod. Well, thats with iTunes. There are some 3rd party programs out there that will take music off your iPod.
  16. M

    Switcher! Well kinda!

    Macs were not meant for gaming... I love my macs. but I am not much of a pc gamer, I prefer consoles. I have bought a couple games for my mac but most get old quick and sit on the shelf. But not to derail the thread at all. You will love your mac, they are amazing little machines. I can do...
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    1 gig nano enough?

    but i have never had any issues with my current G4 iPod, so i would assume I can only expect the same quality. as for returning. I dont think she would need to return it. I think she will love it.
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    1 gig nano enough?

    well I went and orded the iPod for my girlfriend. I hope she loves it. I thank you guys very much for the positive feedback. I will borrow some of her CDs to preload it with her kind of music.
  19. M

    1 gig nano enough?

    Well my girlfriends birthday is coming up, she doesnt listen to thousands of songs. she mainly listens to some country, and christian rock. I dont want to spend a boatload of money on her, but I want her to have something nice. Do you think that this would be sufficient fo her?
  20. M

    Need like an A/V to DVI

    I dunno if anything exists like this, but I have an xbox 360 that I would love to play on my 30" Cinema Display. Is there any way of doing something like that with just a converter? or is there like some PCI card I would have to get to get this to work?