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  1. A

    configuring sendmail for non-fixed ip?

    I move my laptop around to various locations where i need to reconfigure my mail client to utilize the local smtp server so that i can send mail. What i'm wondering is if its possible to configure sendmail in such away that a machine that doesn't have fixed access to the internet can still send...
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    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    OK! so i went back through the process of installation, but this time i did not install osX while having pci cards in the machine. This resulted in a sucessful install. Now i have a bootable osX drive which makes me happy. Of course, i haven't put my cards back in yet, but i figure i'll get...
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    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    kilowatt- yes, i can see the osX system on both drives (i have it installed currently on my scsi and ide drives) in the start up disk control pannel, and i can select them. When i do this, and reboot, it sticks me in OF a.
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    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    Hi again- More clarifications- I can get back to os9 only by typing "set-defaults" and "reset-all" after doing the command-option OF during start. even trying to start from cd does not work until i either zap the p-ram or return the machine to default state. I have zaped the p-ram which...
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    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    Hi! Thanks for the pointers- unfortunately, my post wasn't really clear. I got through the install of osX just fine- i had already partitioned my drive (ide) to less than 8gigs on the first partition and trying to start up from that successful install dumps me into open firmware with the...
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    osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?

    Ok- I just upgraded from my lowly 8500 to a beige g3 (233 mt, running 291) and i'm trying to get osX running, but having some serious issues. Here's the story: I am able to boot the machine to osX via the cd, and install osX on either my scsi drive or my ide drive without a hitch. Upon...