osX boot failure on beige g3- open firmware?


Ok- I just upgraded from my lowly 8500 to a beige g3 (233 mt, running 291) and i'm trying to get osX running, but having some serious issues. Here's the story:

I am able to boot the machine to osX via the cd, and install osX on either my scsi drive or my ide drive without a hitch.

Upon completion of the install, when the machine reboots, it dumps me into open firmware, with the message "unknown word"

I did a bit of poking around in OF, trying to force the boot drive to pick up either my scsi drive or my ide drive to no avial. Using the set-defaults and reset-all commands i was able to get back to os9. I tried this many times, even did a reinstall, but no luck.

The only thing that i've found that seems like it might be related was that somebody posted that the 510 series of beige g3s might not boot with a non-apple cd-rom drive (which i have) so i unplugged that, as well as my ide zip, but still nothing. I even pulled all my pci cards, and reset the machine to 233mhz, but that hasn't helped.

Anybody got any ideas?


hardware config:
g3 beige over clocked to 291mhz
224mb ram
30gig ide drive (chain 1)
Yamaha ide cdr (chain 2)
Zip (chain 2)
9gig scsi drive

usb/firewire card
twin turbo video card
emagic audiowerk 2

Thanks for the pointers- unfortunately, my post wasn't really clear.

I got through the install of osX just fine- i had already partitioned my drive (ide) to less than 8gigs on the first partition and trying to start up from that successful install dumps me into open firmware with the "unknown word"

I also tried to install it on my scsi drive < 8gigs as well, and that did not work as well.

I also did reset the clock speed back to the factory defaults, that did not work as well.

I did pull the cards, but that didn't seem to help either...

so, if you have any other advice.... :)

Hi again-

More clarifications-

I can get back to os9 only by typing "set-defaults" and "reset-all" after doing the command-option OF during start. even trying to start from cd does not work until i either zap the p-ram or return the machine to default state.

I have zaped the p-ram which will also get me back to os9 eventually- doesn't ever allow me to boot to osX from my drive though.

I have done the printenv, and haven't seen anything obvious to me- i tried to do something like:

set-boot-device ide0/disk@0,0

but that gave me "default catch" errors. I'll try the install in the non-overclocked state tomorrow- don't have time to do that tonight. if that doesn't work, i'll do the printenv and post it here.

thanks so much for trying to help me through this!

if you boot into os9, from the Startup Disk control panel, do you see your osx disk or partition listed?
kilowatt- yes, i can see the osX system on both drives (i have it installed currently on my scsi and ide drives) in the start up disk control pannel, and i can select them. When i do this, and reboot, it sticks me in OF

OK! so i went back through the process of installation, but this time i did not install osX while having pci cards in the machine. This resulted in a sucessful install. Now i have a bootable osX drive which makes me happy. Of course, i haven't put my cards back in yet, but i figure i'll get there soon enough.
Seems like the main lesson to glean from this is to only install on the configuration you want to boot from.

Thanks for everybody's help!

That set-boot-device command u came up with isnt a real command. If u wanted to chane the boot-device to hd:,\\tbxi (the default for 600mhz iceBooks) u would do setenv boot-device hd:,\\tbxi