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  1. A

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Someone knows how works localization of Panther? I've italian version and suddenly all folders such as Applications, Library, ... that first were in italian now have their names in english, but Finder menus are still in italian!
  2. A

    No modem sound when dialing/connecting

    I've an iBook 500 DVD with internal 56k modem. I've of course checked "modem sound" in modem control panel, but I get no sound yet during number dialing. My operating system is localized in italian, but I'm not sure if this is relevant. Thanx
  3. A

    No modem sound when dialing/connecting

    I've installed 10.1.2 OS X but there is no modem sound yet!!!:mad: :mad: