Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

I'm having no issues with Adobe PS, ID, Illu and GoLive (all CS) on Panther. Been working in all apps for a few weeks now. Maybe it's a font issue... I'd check all of your fonts with a tool and also try to work in the apps with only a basic set of known-to-be-good fonts enabled.
My panther system has been intermittently locking up - not jut one app - but the whole enviroment. I've had to do two forced reboots this week!
I think it might be that there are two or three logged in users, and I only have 256MB of ram, I'm guessing the system would lock up when there was no more ram...
I did an archive & install of Panther today, and when I booted, I found a Dock that keeps crashing, an Exposé that doesn't work, and a Command-Tab that doesn't work either. I've updated to 10.3.2, and nothing. I FUS'd (well, at least something works) to a guest account, and I get none of these problems. I do have a few "goodies" installed, and I suspect there's a conflict somewhere in there.

Also, what permissions do I have to set to Safari for it to be useable in a non-admin account?
I'd suggest that as well, Arden. Do you have a recent backup of your files?
We'll keep the thumbs up for your Panther ;)
Well, I backed up my Documents folder before installing the black kitty, but my Applications folders take up more space, and there's my System Folder, and Previous System, and Library... oh well, I'll live Dockless for now and devote some time to it later. When I'm not around or something. CCC does wonders...
Okay, as of this very moment I've backed up my hard drive, cleanly installed Panther, and updated it, and as soon as I'm done on the forum (on the G3 right now), I'm going to start rebuilding my OS X life. Hopefully I can figure out what was giving me problems before. :p
Despite the availability of the upgrade feature on upcoming osx installation cds, from now on I'm going to do a clean install all the time.

I seem to regret the decision to upgrade just about every time I do it. I suppose reformatting the hard drive once a year isn't too bad.
Panther's loginwindow just woke up frm sleep and when I typed in my password...


Then it locked up and I had to restart.

Also, when I try to print to a DesignJet 755CM from VectorWorks, VW crashes every time. It used to work fine in Jaguar.

Also, Apple has changed the magic printers yet again! One used to be able to option-click AddPrinter and then Advanced and a list of all printers on the network would "magically" appear. That was slightly augmented from 10.1, which made it easy to see all printers without knowing any secret key-clicks. Now in Panther, what do you do to force all network printers to appear?

Panther is the buggiest version of OS X yet!
Someone knows how works localization of Panther? I've italian version and suddenly all folders such as Applications, Library, ... that first were in italian now have their names in english, but Finder menus are still in italian!
The little pull-down menus in appliations that let you hoose a number of choices doesn't work as of Panther upgrade.

I'm running a 500 mhz. Indigo, CDRW iMac
with 256 mb ram. If that makes any difference


I also had icons change to become icons of other file types and had GetInfo window allow me to change permissions without entering password... SOMETIMES.

Safari hs never crashed so much on me since it came out as it has in the last three weeks!!
wstubbe said:
The little pull-down menus in appliations that let you hoose a number of choices doesn't work as of Panther upgrade.

yeah, I noticed that too... You have to click it about a million times for the pull down menu to drop down, and stay that way... :( Luckily you can also use the arrow keys to navigate pull down menus like that. :p
iPenguin said:
yeah, I noticed that too... You have to click it about a million times for the pull down menu to drop down, and stay that way... :( Luckily you can also use the arrow keys to navigate pull down menus like that. :p

Cool! Thanx for the info. :D
My (1.3.2) doesn't work very well. It never stops trying to connect imap-server that is down. It just keeps trying and trying to connect the server. And if I try to quit the application, it'll just close all the windows and never quit itself. Again it's time to force quit.

akeel6 said:
Printer setup utility wont add hp 5550 printer
keeps crashing? any others with this problem any suggestions?

My Brother HL-5040 printer, which worked fine under 10.2.8, won't work with Panther. I downloaded the driver that Brother posted for Panther. I used Printer Setup Utility, but it keeps saying there's no printer driver installed.

Also, most of my applications, including Safari, crashes when I hit Quit.
Verify and repair permissions with disk utility.
Trash the pref file - should be in home>Library>Preferences

Did you check the Brother web site for troubleshooting tips? I would contact them.
I did Verify and Repair, several times. I even tried the "fsch -y" trick, used with 10.2.8. I did not trash Prefs (dumb me!). I will do that before trying to talk to Brother tech support again this morning.
Thanks Cheryl. Have a great 2004!
