Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

bobw said:
This is from MacFixIt yesterday;

Palm confirms that Desktop Software 4.1 problem We previously reportedproblems with the installation of Palm's Desktop Software 4.1 under Mac OS X 10.2.8. Now MacFixIt reader Kate has confirmed with Palm technical support that the software will have problems Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) as well:

I'm sure most users have heard about the Palm issue and the solution, but just in case, I'll mention it here. If you use Pseudo (or log on as root) and install the Palm software (4.1), it works fine. I've been running Panther and Palm 4.1 and my Palm HotSyncs just fine.

1. Safari crashed twice out of 3 or 4 times when I dragged a picture into it.
2.Chess crashed.
3. MS Word crashed/unexpectedly quit twice.

None of these things happened with panther, which was my only OS before this.
macnewguy, your problems are not consistent with anything else I've seen from Panther. I think your problems are only tangentially related to your OS upgrade. It may be time for a wipe and reinstall for you. Can't make Chess crash, and the only problem I've had with safari and dragging images to it is that it sometimes won't open them. It hasn't crashed on any drag behaviour I've thrown at it.

Do you have the hardware check CD? Or a good checkup utility like something from micromat? You may want to check the integrity of your HD and RAM.

My new bug is a font type bug. put the word 'finder' into a standard text field in Helvetica size 14 or so and then try to select just the word 'in' inside of 'finder' - the fi letters conjoin and don't let you select them individually. Really minor, and a little bit font specific.
I guess that's ligatures actually _working_ - but I can't repeat this on my computer... By 'text field' - do you mean a form field? Guess not, as you can't set font sizes for text input fields... In TextEdit - at any text size, I can't confirm your bug... This is on Mac OS X 10.3.2 7D15 with Extensis Suitcase X1 handling my fonts, so one of these things might be important...
I just upgraded, it took me almost 3 hours. And now I can not run Limewire anymore. And It seems that i can not run Acquistion either. So as a result; no more downloading for me anymore (maybe it's for the better, because it will keep me of the illegal stuff :-))
I can't get any gamma correction on my 667 mhz TiBook to work. If I try to calibrate the display the gamma slider doesn't do anything and even installing an extreme profile makes no difference.

Anyone else have this problem?

i had excell stop unexpectedly (how do you write that BTW?) and the only program that was running weanwhile was word.
could it be M$-soft-incompatibility?
Does anyone else have problems with labels of files not displaying correctly when a file is in the top left of the desktop?

Leave a file in the top left part of your screen and I guarentee it will display incorrectly eventually....

See attatched image.


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I am conducting a test on my TiBook. I'll let you know if it changes colors... do I need to do anything other then label it and move it there?
evildan said:

I am conducting a test on my TiBook. I'll let you know if it changes colors... do I need to do anything other then label it and move it there?

Its not actually labelling a file a specific colour, it's the file name displaying incorrectly. See the attatched image. Appears as though the shadow is bust.
Ah, I've had that happened when I tried to just upgrade to Panther. I've since done a complete instal and things have been bug free!
Hmmm, I am having the same problem on computers which have had panther completely installed as opposed to upgraded.
1. Font conflicts; specifically Helvetica and Courier. I have Suitcase installed and my Postscript fonts are what is conflicting with the System fonts.

2. Safari is becoming a hog. Noticed my system was slowing down so I check the Process Viewer. Safari was taking up 189 mb of RAM, with only one window open and no tabs open. Quit Safari and system sped back up. I have 896 mb of RAM installed, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem with virtual memory swaps. The only other programs active at that time were Illustrator and Photoshop which were both using less than 80 mb of RAM. If a web browser is using more memory than Photoshop, then something isn't right.

3. Save a new file to a folder and it doesn't appear in a program's dialog box when trying to open the file in a different program. Yes, the file is viewable by both programs. If I switch the view from list to panes and back again, the new files will finally show up.

4. Junk mail filter stopped working after a month in Panther. Can't figure out why; didn't change any settings at all.

5. In Sherlock, when I launch it, it doesn't automatically highlight the box to type in my search word. It does work sometimes, sometimes not. Plus, when it doesn't not highlight the search box, I can't tab over to force it to highlight the box.

6. This might not be Panther, just some corruption, but it doesn't shutdown from the Shutdown command in the Apple pulldown menu. I usually have to force it to shutdown via the Terminal.

This was a complete install of Panther on a G4/867 w/896 mb RAM.
This has really been bugging me since my Panther install... Anyone else seeing this.

There is a spot in the divider of the Finder window that suddenly becomes white and shows junk visuals.

(see attached).


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yup... and that was one of the issues that provoked me to do a complete re-install on my TiBook. I did it and the issue came up almost right away. Very strange.

As soon as I grab the divider to resize it the Finder wakes up and redraws the effected area.
I use the new Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign) and I have been getting alot of application crashes (like 10 crashes in an 8 hour day). I didn't have the Adobe CS before Panther, so don't really know if it is a Panther issue or an Adobe issue, but I feel like I'm back in OS 9, saving my document evertime a make a change and holding my breath praying the app. doesn't crash again.
I know that IDesign has been kind of unstable at times for me... but Photoshop and Illustrator have been rock solid for the most part. I don't think Photoshop has caused me problems since my updating it to 7.0.1.
Is anyone else having trouble with any of the new Adobe CS programs? I guess I am going to revert back to the older versions of these Adobe apps which ran just fine on Panther before. Not really sure what else to do since I am running a fresh/clean installed OS and all other apps seem to run without problems. Guess I'll be spending alot of time at the Adobe boothes come MWSF 2004 ...