Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

doemel said:
- "locate" doesn't work anymore in the Terminal. I get an error message "locate: no database file /var/db/locate.database". Don't know how to fix that...

Another thing you might try, instead of locate, is:

find / -name filename

The / indicates where you want to start your search. If you are looking for the inetd.conf file or a resume.doc, you could do:

find / -name inetd.conf
find /Users -name resume.doc

Anyway, just in case you didnt know about this command, I find it more useful than locate because there is no database to update.

As for my Panther bug: after I installed Panther, I downloaded Backup (not the beta), and installed it, eagerly waiting to use backup to restore loads of settings and files. No such luck. Every time I started the app, it would complain of an error and quit. So I had to manually restore everything by going to my idisk, then to the backup folder, and downloading everything bit by bit.
Oh oh...found yet another one. Sometimes......when i reboot the system, my anti-aliasing setting defaults back to "best for CRT" instead of "best for LCD", that goes along with my mouse setting reverting back to the speed a speed that i didn't set and sometimes i find that my "system sounds" under the sound panel comes back on...i don't like system sounds, leave me alone! heh :rolleyes:
take the "HotSync Libraries" from "Previous System/Library/CFM Support and place it in the same folder in the current /System/Library and HotSync should work

R Goren
I installed on a g4/500 using the Update avenue. Everything went fine. I tried the same routine on my 17 inch powerbook and it screwed up everything. Had to reformat and start from scratch. Other than that, I am impressed. Well worth the price of admission
For some reason, Panther is not putting network hard drives on the desktop, despite that option being selected in Finder Preferences.

I double-click the network volume in a Finder window, and am asked to log in. Then, the contents of the drive are displayed in the window, but the drive never appears on the desktop.
Network Printig via Samba must be configured through CUPS.

The whole story:

Currently there is a printer (HP deskjet 5550) connected on a windows machine and its also shared on the network.
Great feature, panther finds the printer share without problems. But it isn't possible to configure it through the print center. It is just assumed that my printer is post script capable. And unfortunally the desktop printing feature isn't available for Samba printer.

So, I decided to print the content of a 64kb jpg file. I went out of the room (big mistake), returned and found out that the printer was still printing (it printed around 20pages of 'stuff' which looked like post script commands > a sign that the network printer wasn't properly configured on the OSX side)

I opened up the CUPS web interface and selected the printer type (gimp-print driver and CUPS driver for HP5550 aren't available so I chose the generic HP 1.1 driver for new deskjet printer)
After I edited my current configuration, print center and CUPS showed a NT-access error message if I tried to print. It seems print center links the printer entry to the network keychain and if you edit this configuration this link breaks. So you have to entry your username, password, workgroup into the printer network location field of CUPS.

After that it was possible to print. Because of the generic HP driver the quality of printed graphic is just as horrible as in Jaguar. Printing text is no problem.
I already posted this in another thread before I saw this one.

I have a strange internet connect bug in Panther. Many times when I go to connect, I can't get it to dial unless I pick up my nearby phone after I hit connect. Once it starts to dial; I can hang up my phone.

Many times if don't pick up my phone, it'll just sit there trying to connect/disconnect. In order to stop it, I have to kill processes in in the Terminal (AppleModem, modemd, pppd). Then Internet Connect just flashes an error and I can start over. It's also sporadically disconnecting.

Anybody else experiencing anything like this?

Something else that's probably unrelated... Last night I noticed my computer was feeling sluggish. Ran top in Terminal and saw that tcsh was taking up 85% of CPU power. Didn't know if it would be alright to simply kill it so I logged out and back in; problem solved and haven't seen it reoccur yet. Any idea why this would happen. I also noticed that at the time there were multiple TCHSs running. Something like:

tcsh 85.0%
tcsh 0.0%
tcsh 0.0%
Since I upgraded this morning to Panther the only system level problem, other than a few utilities that don't work, is my G4/AGP/450 will not go into a deep sleep. After a couple of hours and a wake up, the cursor disappeared. Reminiscent of the same problem with an older version of Jaguar; 10.1.2
The lock in Accounts doesn't work (on mine anyway). Its locked but still allows me to change the settings (except user name and short name), on other panes like the Network the settings are greyed out as they are supposed to be.


I had a sticky key problem (A - Key) and found that it was caused by Synergy. Once I removed Synergy all was fine. Hope that helps.
The "C" key problem on my Powerbook is being caused by Quickeys. It's a known problem and their working on an update. If I disable Quickeys, the C key works fine. I have the same version of Quickeys on my desktop, but don't have the C key problem.
Wierd that mounted servers don't show up on the desktop despite the preference settings, is everyone having this problem or is it just a few of us?

Also there doesn't seem to be an options screen when you connect to a server to add the login and password to keychain ... Do I really have to add this information into keychain manually everytime?
VirtualPC 5 has totally flaked out on my wife's iMac since I installed 10.3. It is eating 100% of CPU and accomplishing almost nothing (which I suppose would be normal on a PC). I'm considering moving her back to 10.2.6 and if that doesn't do it, I will probably have to reinstall VPC. Too bad her business software is only supported under DOS (!). Thank God for backups or I'd really be in the dog house.
Formac Studio TVR only rarely will come up at all. Calls and emails to Formac go unanswered. Not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about Formac here.

mounted servers don't show up on the desktop...only the finder :) It's not just you. There are many small bugs, some more annoying than others, but at least we aren't getting crazy kernel panics and having the install eat up our external firewire800 harddrives with our backups on them....errr....wait..... :P
Ifrit said:
The 'A' key of my ibook G3 700MHz stopped working After A cleAn instAll of OSX 10.3. At leAst the upper cAse 'A' (shift+A) does work, so I believe fAulty ibook keyboArd isn't the reAson...

haven't read thru the rest of this thread - so I don't know if you solved this problem yet...

I had the same issue - do you have Synergy installed and running? I did, and as soon as I turned it off, lowercase 'a' worked again!!!

so until Synergy comes out with a Panther safe version, I won't be using it... :(

hope that's the same thing that fixes your issue!
doemel said:
A buddy of mine has come across a weird problem today: iChat (AV v.2) started acting really weird on his PowerBook on 10.3: He can audio chat with people but not text chat. He's tried it all: All new clean Panther installation, manual "seek and destroy" of any iChat files in /Library, ~/Library and other places but no luck whatsoever, the problem persists. Maybe I should also note that he has a .mac account. Has anyone here experienced (or heard of) a similar problem?

SAME PROBLEM!!! I can audio chat with the best of em - but can't text chat AT ALL!!! it's really screwing me up. also - I'm on a 17" powerbook, and using an AIM account.

2 more problems:
1 - my HP ScanJet 6300C doesn't work - drivers aren't for 10.3 (yet)
2 - software update will say 'starting download' for a LONG time, but never starts.


overall, I love Panther, but I'm getting a little frustrated with the various little things I'm finding...
oh, also, Safari doesn't work anymore - just looks like it's trying to load a page, but sits forever. tried reinstalling, but says that my volume is unable to have safari installed on it.