Wow where do I start? My initial Panther install went very well. I was quite happy with it until about a week into using it... then everything seemed to fall apart.
Just about every "apple" component stated to flak out. iChat just stopped working... giving me an "internet" error every time I typed more then one word.
Safari started double typing text. Every word had two spaces between it. I was unable to do anything but navigate this site... couldn't post with Safari at all. I'm not sure if that was Safari or
Mail has been fine -- I just switched to it when I installed Panther. Sherlock doesn't work. It is unable to load any of the channels.
The Finder will have "stall moments" where I'll have to wait several seconds for it to catch up to my mouse instructions.
All of this started happening within days of use.
I did a fresh install... and I'm not interested in rebuilding my machine again... I installed 10.3.1 and that didn't seem to help.
I did have a brief improvement when I switched to my "test" user... which had no third party components installed... but then it also started experiencing the same errors as my initial user did... which points it back to Panther.
I'm on a TiBook and it does get a lot of use... I've been thinking of going back to zero on it, but the thought of re-installing everything (yet again) is not appealing.