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  1. I

    Will Ferrell switch video

    They are several very funny spoofs of the Ellen Feiss ad here:
  2. I

    Caveat Emptor-OS X, USB & LaCie CD-RW

    There is a serious flaw or bug in OS X that prevents it from burning CDs via USB under all versions of OS X, to a LaCie 24x10x40x U&I CD-RW drive. I am unable to write data CDs via the finder, Toast light v 5.1.3, or audio CDs via iTunes (any version). Apple knowledge base articles state that if...
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    Internal ATA Hard Drives

    "Slave", "Master" & "Single" have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the contents of the HD or what types of files are on it. Jumpers configure the device on the ATA chain. If the device has another device "downstream" (attached as slave). The first device is "Master" the second device is the...
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    "Rev. A" iMac w/ GameWizard, no OpenGL!

    I believe this issue first came up with OS 9.2, I'm running 9.2.1 so maybe something else has changed in 9.2.2. I have a rev B iMac, with a 466 Mhz NewerTech CPU, 256 ram & GameWizard card and learned at http:// that the solution was to...