"Rev. A" iMac w/ GameWizard, no OpenGL!


Hack the Planet!@#
I'm the proud owner of a Rev. A iMac and I bought the 8MB VooDoo 2 GameWizard card for the mezzanine slot on it. It works great for games that support 3dfx rendering such as UT, Deus Ex, Quake 1, etc. It also used to work great for OpenGL games such as Quake 2 and Quake 3 using 3dfx's OpenGL drivers (version 1.0b11, latest to support this card). Recently in OpenGL rendered games it decided to render all wall/map textures as plain white surfaces! In Quake 2/3 you can only see gunshots and the bad guys running around in plain whiteness! I have OS 9.2.2 and the OpenGL version 1.2.4. I've tried installing slightly older versions of OpenGL to no avail. All I can get are plain white textures! If anyone has the slightest clue how to remedy this, or needs more info to help me, please speak up! Thanks in advance!
I believe this issue first came up with OS 9.2, I'm running 9.2.1 so maybe something else has changed in 9.2.2. I have a rev B iMac, with a 466 Mhz NewerTech CPU, 256 ram & GameWizard card and learned at [URL]http://http://bbs.xlr8yourmac.com/ubb/Forum15/HTML/000345.html [/URL] that the solution was to replace the "OpenGL Engine" extension installed by OS9.2 with the earlier "OpenGL Engine ver 1.2.1". This is the only extension that has to be replaced. It worked for me, hope it solves your problem.