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  1. D

    G5 Superdrive not recognizing CDs

    I have a 2-month old G5 2.3 ghz Macintosh. A couple weeks ago, after using Apple's WaveBuner software, my Superdrive died--sort of. It will not recognize CDs. I can see the drive in the System profiler and in iTunes (under the burn settings), and I can open and close the drive door with not...
  2. D

    Can't select CD drives in Disk Copy

    I thought copy protection might be the issue (that record label probably doesn't want me making a copy of their CD). But I tried a CD that I burned myself, and it wouldn't work either. So I don't know.
  3. D

    Can't select CD drives in Disk Copy

    Yes, I tried dragging the disk. It just flies back in place on the desktop. The Disk Copy window doesn't accept it.
  4. D

    Can't select CD drives in Disk Copy

    I've read some posts on this forum that describe how to make an image of a CD using the Disk Copy built into X 10.1. However, when I go to Disk Copy and choose New Image From Device from the Image menu, I cannot select either disk1 or disc2, which I think are the names of my two CD drives...