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  1. R

    applet causing problems?

    A family member (no names) accepted an applet from a website a couple of days ago which *seems* to have caused instability in my system. At first I was (suddenly) getting long hangs at start up which I resolved by running diskwarrior and repairing permissions. However, I still have other...
  2. R

    kernal panics!

    All seems well now..phew. I reseated the vid card as described, and also ran disk repair again. THANK YOU!!!
  3. R

    kernal panics!

    Thanks again, I so appreciate the help. The kernel panics kicked in today. I think...since no one seems to want to implicate the motherboard....what may have happened: yesterday I was running a new beta software which (I have now learned) had a bug/conflict with OSX 10.6. I had some kernal...
  4. R

    kernal panics!

    Thanks both!. I'll try reseating the video card. Regarding disc corruption. That's data only, right? I have a cloned system drive from a couple of days ago. If I super duper it over, it will overwrite any corruption issues that disc warrior would otherwise address?
  5. R

    kernal panics!

    and another crash, different cpu reported. I'm REALLY hoping this is a job for disk warrior. Of course I don't have v.4. Crashed while scrolling the discwarrior site. Interval Since Last Panic Report: 363705 sec Panics Since Last Report: 6 Anonymous UUID...
  6. R

    kernal panics!

    This morning I have had 3 kernal panics in a row. Once just doing email. Once playing back a Logic file. Once loading Logic and Kontakt. I've looked at two crash logs. Here is the latest, which seems to implicate cpu 7. The last one, a couple of minutes earlier, indicated cpu 4. What to do...
  7. R

    10.6.1 problem/system hang

    thanks so much for your help. Since last posting I restored 10.5.8 by doing smart copy from an external clone made with super duper. Running 10.5.8 again, all is well. Just for laughs I repeated the install of snow leopard and again, I got the hang on boot up. Abt 3 mins long. Same thing on...
  8. R

    10.6.1 problem/system hang

    hmm since posting I determined that my disc needed to be repaired. However, after repairing, the problem persisted. So I installed 10.6.0 and found the same issue. Booting from a clone drive made a couple days ago running 10.5.8, everything is fine. I would like to reinstall 10.5.8 on my main...
  9. R

    10.6.1 problem/system hang

    Hi, I've just installed snow leopard, and then immediately updated to 10.6.1 Now when I boot, the system hangs for several minutes: the cursor responds to the mouse, but I can't open any files, drives, menu items, or the dock. One time I booted and the pointer didn't even appear. After 5...
  10. R

    G5 bad memory slots

    Thank you again for your help. I'm shopping for a mac pro. Much appreciated. Rob
  11. R

    G5 bad memory slots

    thanks a lot, I really appreciate the help. I'm afraid that what you are saying sounds right. But: the logic board passes the apple hardware test. If the logic board were the culprit, wouldn't you expect it to fail the test? Thanks again.
  12. R

    G5 bad memory slots

    Hi, I'm having this issue with my G5 dual 2, 10.4.11 I have 1 gig sticks in each of the 8 slots. I recently became aware that I am only accessing 6 gig. System profiler tells me all sticks are ok: however, it is showing 512 sticks in slots J13, J14, J43, J44. (Again, they are in fact 1 gig...
  13. R

    disable mic on G4 ibook?

    Problem solved-sorry! The mic only passes through to the output if an app is set to receive audio. In my case that was Logic...and it was no problem for my purposes (live gigging) to disable any audio ins.
  14. R

    disable mic on G4 ibook?

    Hi, I'm feeding the headphone output of my G4 1.1 ibook to an amp. I need to prevent the built in mic from passing its audio to the output. However, there does not seem a way to do this in preferences-ie to switch off the mics without also turning off the output volume. Can the mics be...
  15. R

    Upgraded to Tiger..mail problems

    Thanks again. That did the trick. Much appreciated.
  16. R

    Upgraded to Tiger..mail problems

    eric...thanks for your help. I think I copied over some of it. Do you know specifically which file would solve my problem? I guess I'll experiment a bit.
  17. R

    Upgraded to Tiger..mail problems

    Hi, I just upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.6. For some reason the install would not work as an upgrade and I was forced to install by erasing my system drive and doing a fresh install. Everything was backed up first. I'm chasing down all the subsequent issues one by one. With Mac mail, I got all...
  18. R

    urgent..idvd won't see drive

    ok tried that go. THANK YOU Really really weird. I can burn in Toast and from the desktop.
  19. R

    urgent..idvd won't see drive

    well...thanks again. Is there any way to reinstall iDVD?
  20. R

    urgent..idvd won't see drive

    Satcomer, so sorry...crazy schedule/hols....but just tried all your last suggestions to no avail. Any other ideas?? Thanks again for your patient help.