Upgraded to Tiger..mail problems

rob morsberger

Hi, I just upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.6. For some reason the install would not work as an upgrade and I was forced to install by erasing my system drive and doing a fresh install. Everything was backed up first. I'm chasing down all the subsequent issues one by one. With Mac mail, I got all the address book stuff working and all my old mail boxes are up and running. But: all the mail box folders are empty. Actually, at first there are numbers indicating old unread mail but when I open the folders they are empty and the numbers disappear. Weird...so where do I look on my backup drive for the mail data itself? Thanks for any help!
eric...thanks for your help. I think I copied over some of it. Do you know specifically which file would solve my problem? I guess I'll experiment a bit.
I'd just copy the whole thing. Mail uses all that info. If you copy the Mail folder, the preference file (in /Users/<You>/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist.), and the downloads folder, which is in the same directory as the mail folder, but titled "Mail Downloads", you should be good to go.