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  1. Kelena13

    Hello everyone!

  2. Kelena13

    Please don't switch all iBooks to larger form factor!!!

    John, Believe me, from what I have experienced you will be safe. The 12" iBook owners would never let that happen! There would be an uprising up great magnitude! Sleep well my friend, I believe the 12" is here for the long haul. I too would have to trade up if there was a G4 iBook. ;)...
  3. Kelena13

    Please don't switch all iBooks to larger form factor!!!

    For me! I have the 14" and love it. I am constantly reading threads with people bashing the 14" iBook (Poor design, screen etc.). The size does not hinder me in any way. Come on people hit the gym! I really like the 12" as well, but it comes down to personal preference. Most people are...
  4. Kelena13

    Apple II emulator

    Also check out GameSpy's Classic Gaming site. It has both Mac and PC emulators.
  5. Kelena13

    Hello everyone!

    Kelena is actually Hawaiian for Glen. One of my friends parents went there on vacation and broughtg back a keychain with my Hawaiian name on it. It has stuck ever since. The 13 is a tribute to the greatest quarterback of all time (flame on!) Dan Marino. Enough about me. Ed, Someday I...
  6. Kelena13

    Hello everyone!

    I was looking to get a laptop and just loved the apples design. It was really the ipod commercial that push me over the edge. I also purchased one of those as well. :)
  7. Kelena13

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for all the kind responses. Sorry for posting in the wrong area.
  8. Kelena13

    What was your favorite Apple II game

    I was always partial to Miner 2049er myself. I remember seeing it running on a Apple II at the local Apple store back in the early 80's. A good day that was!:D
  9. Kelena13

    Hello everyone!

    Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I had a Mac 512k way back in 84. Having been a PC user for the the past 10 years I have finally seen the light and returned to Apple by purchasing a new 14" ibook. I found this website about a week ago and find it very informative...