Yes, there are several useable Apple II emulators available. They do require you to provide your own "ROM" file as apple still considers that to be apple property. You can find this on line also if you look around. I don't have specific addresses but I ran across a site a few weeks ago so they're still out there. Try version tracker or even search with your browser for emulators. If you can't find one, reply back and I'll try to get you the address. I tried one a few years back and it worked lightning quick. It does require you to have your software on a floppy (rules out old copy protected programs on 5 1/4 disks) and to have an external drive if you have one of the new macs. You can however download a few of the old games on line. Aahh, karataka, the hours I spent watching that poor samuri going backwards down the cliff.