Search results

  1. H

    G4 won't wake from sleep

    Geeze I've had that problem for years until I upgraded to 10.4.X, now it sleeps and wakes fine... I allways blamed it on all the stuff on the computer... (ps i just put in a 4 port USB 2 card too and it caused nothing to happen other than now I can connect my new (USB 2) iPod!
  2. H

    Slow DSL

    First of all, I have to ask... Have you installed Skype, Joost, VoIP lately? A 1 meg service is pretty slow anyway, call about a 3, 5, or 7 meg service - talking to them (tell them you are leaving to another service for a better deal...) can get the deals flowing Next - or actually this should...
  3. H

    used ibook - install tiger with no dvd?

    ALWAYS when you purchase upgrades from Apple - purchase the family pack if you have more than one mac in the same location!!! Very inexpensive, very pratical! Even iWork is only like $15 more for the 5 user family disk, 10.4 Family box is maybe $25 more for liscence on 5 machines in one location...
  4. H

    Router very weak signal

    So what you're saying is you have a wired connection to the net (LAN) via a wired connection to the router, a wired connection to the G5 from the router, and wireless to the iPhone and iBook(?). Interference or bad placement of the router is the first test you want to try... the iBook has a...
  5. H

    My Macs Are Slower Than My PC Off Cable Modem

    Well I have to admit the results you achieved are not what I had extected! Other than the Quality of Service and network cache settings , I cannot understand what the problem is - I have seen this (years ago) on a LAN with WinGate running on a Win NT server, so we went to a Linux server and...
  6. H

    My Macs Are Slower Than My PC Off Cable Modem

    One more test would be to go to run the speed test on both OS's, looking at the quality of service, Round trip time speeds up/down.. Then start calling your Cable ISP!
  7. H

    My Macs Are Slower Than My PC Off Cable Modem

    Try this, it's from the Apple Support site.. I have not reviewed it yet, so your information is appreciated.
  8. H

    PPC iBook now or later?

    If you're that thght with Adobe - what the hell were they thinking with Illustrator in CS2? Give me a break - I have 15 years of files that when opened in CS2 - I have to re-layout all of the text! It's a tough one to tell clients that the "re-print" on a project will cost them $500 because we...
  9. H

    PPC iBook now or later?

    I'll have (but not yet) two used G4 667's - ready to sell! Not that they aren't fast enough, or powerfull enough for what I do with them... because they are... but it's almost time to upgrade. Rumour has it the new PowerBooks are only 2.2kg! (about 4.5 lbs) I can run all the Adobe CS Pro...
  10. H

    Controlling port forwading on Linksys from OS X

    For sure - start using static ip in the router, and on the Mac drop the DHCP... second - have you ever concidered a static WAN ip (this is the next best thing for free)? free for personal use...
  11. H

    Pocket PC Mobile/Activesync/G5/VirtualPC-XP

    I use PocketMac with my iPaq 6325 and have not had problems - you MUST remember to turn OFF the password protection on the phone/pda "before" you connect - everytime I hear a complaint on PocketMac - the problem relates to the user "forgetting" to dissable the password... My only complaint is...
  12. H

    PowerMac G4 933mhz...Will not install Tiger!

    If it's worth it to you - TechTool Pro 4 or Drive 10 will test everything in the box for you... Hope you find the problem cheeply... Once you get it going again - (don't swear at me) a good back-up plan would save you some time - and consider a...
  13. H

    Can I use Mac Mini and OS X as a network server?

    I suggest picking up a used single or better still dual G4 1ghz, 1 gig ram, OS X 10 user server, pop in a low priced LG dvd-rw in the second opening on the front (take off the drawer plate on the drive - $50.00 CDN) add two firewire 250 gig drives, (pick up the drive cases for $45 ea, and the...
  14. H

    A little help for the clueless....

    Ya, come on Quark, though I have a sneeky feeling it's because of all the "Quark XTensions" out there that have to be ported to OSX. It's bad enough I have to keep version 4.x and 5.x because half the 4.x XTensions I use won't run in 5... I still won't go to InDesign without a fight, after 14...
  15. H

    What apple laptop should I buy?

    I just got my son a TiBook 667 with 867 megs ram, it was an end of the "line" machine, and I got it for a great price, I have the same, and paid almost $2000 (CDN) more when it just came out. Mind you I use mine everyday, and have no regrets. The big deal was that I traided in his 2 year old...
  16. H

    Got Jag?

    After upgrading to 10.2, I noticed a few wonky things happening, mainly VirtualPC 5.0.5 not quitting properly. I backed up my dirve to my iPod20, erased, and did a clean install. All is well, and went faster than I expected, other than there is no Classic OS in 10.2, which I really need until...
  17. H

    seeking help for photo manipulation

    We used GC once a year or so ago, before the ownership changed. Used to be you could download and use on 10 images, then buy it, or loose it. We used it to enlarge a 5x7" 300ppi image to 60"x 80" (or about), @ 125ppi. We were amazed! Our plotter had no trouble ripping the tiff file, and the...
  18. H

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    At my office, 10 years ago we started with Kramer, as the name of our server, next came George, Elaine..., at 13 machines, we still don't have a Jerry! (it actually works well when logging on to a machine - funny how employees seem to have the traits of the machines...)
  19. H

    Network 8.6 @ OS X

    I had the same (i thought) problem, turns out Apple Talk is not checked when you set up networking-by default. I found out when on a (cable) LAN at work i had no problem with .ftp transfers, then at home using AirPort, Fetch just sat there..., settings the same etc., did some investigating and...
  20. H

    [FAQ] - Cleaning LCD Screens

    Though it sounds strange, i keep a "lemon scented" "Pledge-Grab-it" thingie in my case and close one inside my TiBook when I close it to take to clients, home and to the cottage. Not only do i allways have something to keep my machine clean, but it smells "Lemon Fresh!" The big thing that i have...