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  1. B

    best software to sync folders over network?

    Hi...I'm hoping that someone can help me find the simplest solution to my problem. I have two machines at home: a 933mhz Quicksilver 2002 desktop (running 10.3.9) and a G4 14" 1 gb Ibook (running Tiger). Both machines are networked via an Airport Extreme base station. My daughters have an...
  2. B

    Imac Jaguar Install - Panic at second disc - HELP!

    Just for the record...I solved the problem. I'm not sure exactly how, but I did two things that might have helped. It occurred to me that having AppleTalk on can mess with installations. Since the original crash occurred while I was filesharing, I had a hunch that perhaps AppleTalk was "stuck"...
  3. B

    Imac Jaguar Install - Panic at second disc - HELP!

    I' m at my wits end. A friend bought a used Summer 2001 Imac. it came with 10.2.3 and 9.2.2. I added 512mb of RAM for a total of 640. During a routine ethernet file transfer from his old machine, the hard drive crashed so hard I could not revive it (using Disk Utility, Disk First Aid, Techtool...