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  1. H

    Service for Transfers from Apple IIE

    Hi: In case you don't already know about it, here is info about a group you might find helpful - if it's still going: ... good luck. An edit: I happen to be a member of a lowendmac compact mac group, though I haven't been paying much attention...
  2. H

    Mac help files are worse than...

    Hi, Fryke: I'm not sure I can remember exactly what it was. I'm on my PC now. I bought a powerbook that crashed a lot; I knew that when I bought it on ebay. I'm not familiar with Macs, but I thought the first thing I should do was to try reinstalling the OS. I was pleased to see that there was a...
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    Mac help files are worse than...

    I used to think that the manuals and help files for my PC were terrible, but I just added a G3 PowerBook to my museum of computers (I never throw anything out), and the help files are actually misleading. I'm shocked, just shocked :eek:
  4. H

    G3 Lombard OS 8.6 can't find my Wacom tablet

    OK, RacerX, thanks. I'll try the earliest Wacom driver, and hope that it works. The resource problem with OS 9 bothers me, too. ... Harriet
  5. H

    G3 Lombard OS 8.6 can't find my Wacom tablet

    RacerX and Satcomer, thanks for your replies: I looked at the downloads, and don't find any that work with anything earlier than OS 9.0. Then I looked at the MacSales page, and theirs is OS 9.1 - According to:, who is selling a really expensive copy, "Many people...
  6. H

    G3 Lombard OS 8.6 can't find my Wacom tablet

    Hi: I've searched here for an answer to my problem, but haven't found one, so here goes. I hope I can describe it well enough. I recently bought a 333 G3 Powerbook ::sleepy:: I know, but I don't have a lot of money. I got an imate ADB to USB adapter, and plugged in the tablet. The light on the...