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  1. D

    eMac Sleep Problems.

    Yes, I can manually put the computer to sleep. The computer will not automatically (set in Energy Saver) go to sleep with or without any applications open. Thanks. Any other suggestions?
  2. D

    iPod Photo album art wrong.

    No, I haven't ever downloaded a song off of iTunes. Most of my music is from original cd's and some digital music files. I use, AlbumArt widget & Album Cover Finder.
  3. D

    iPod Photo album art wrong.

    Yes, some of the album art is incorrect. I only add art to entire albums. No single songs. I find the art (usually at & sometimes with AlbumArt widget or Album Cover Finder). This problem only started after I reached 13,000 songs & over 50 gb.(that may have nothing to do with...
  4. D

    iPod Photo album art wrong.

    The album art on my 60 gb iPod Photo is sometimes wrong. The art is correct in iTunes but incorrect on the iPod. The first track of an album is usually the only one incorrect and when double clicked the album art shown is even different than the first incorrect cover. I deleted all my songs...
  5. D

    eMac Sleep Problems.

    I have an 800 mhz eMac with OS 10.4.4 installed. My computer will not go to sleep automatically. In system preferences/energy saver, I can set the display to sleep automaticlally after a set period of inactivity but the computer and the hard disks, when set for the same or slightly different...