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  1. R

    Making slideshows using Preview

    I have Mac OS 10.5.8 and can't seem to get the hang of making a slideshow using Preview. In Preview's help window it says: 1. Open the first image in Preview 2. Choose View>Sidebar 3. Drag the other images from the Finder to the sidebar (this is where I have the problem) 4. Select the...
  2. R

    Yahoo/IE conflict?

    I use several of Yahoo's "services" (email, 360º, Answers) and a couple days ago, I ran into some kind of conflict between a Yahoo identity and IE. Specifically, I've participated in Yahoo Answers for some time with no real problems, other than Yahoo's own glitches. Suddenly, my IE would...
  3. R

    trouble playing purchased iTunes

    Today, on the advice of a very experienced computer tech (PC, not Mac) I did the iTunes upgrade to 6.0.5, with the hope that my current problem (not being able to even PLAY purchased iTunes) was some kind of encryption problem. Alas, the iTunes upgrade did NOT solve the problem...
  4. R

    trouble playing purchased iTunes

    The computer is "authorized," otherwise I wouldn't have been able to play the purchased tunes (which I did) after downloading them from the iTunes Music Store. One detail - I recently did a system upgrade to 10.4.7 (from....I forget...maybe 10.4.3). It came up under the Software Update. I...
  5. R

    trouble playing purchased iTunes

    Following a suggestion from another Mac forum, I created a new Burn folder and I dragged two files from the iTunes folder into a new burn file on iTunes. One file was a downloaded tune via LimeWire, the other was one of the purchased tunes which I've been trying to burn, and which I could at...
  6. R

    trouble playing purchased iTunes

    Yes, I'm familiar with the sound controls. As a test, I just downloaded a tune via LimeWire, and it plays just fine in the Library playlist, but not any of the purchased iTunes.
  7. R

    trouble playing purchased iTunes

    Please reply if you think you can help with the following: I'm running a Mac OSX v10.4.7 and have iTunes 6.0.3 A while ago I posted here, seeking help in burning some purchased tunes to CD. I had no luck whatsoever with that and basically gave up. It was just too frustrating. NOW, I...