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  1. V

    itunes cache

    thanks much!
  2. V

    itunes cache

    it seems itunes keeps a cache of temporary files in the library folder. last time I cleaned it up there were about 120mb in there. does anyone know of a way to automatically delete these files?
  3. V

    Bill Gates I Have Steve Jobs His Emailaddress

    up half a note, actually.
  4. V

    Hidden Trash

    Omnidisk sweeper has just shown me a trash folder on my hd, with 414mb of stuff I thought I got rid of long ago. I can seem to find this folder through the finder, though, neither will sherlock find any of its contents. how can I fix this? anything I should be carefull about? thanks
  5. V

    user "unknown"

    that worked beautifully! thank you. the "apply ownership" button was inaccessible, though. is that a problem? thanks again.
  6. V

    user "unknown"

    after updating to 10.1.5, some random, redundant stuffit files are now showing as being owned by "unknown". when I try to delete these I am refused by "you do not own these items". this still happens even when I am logged in as root. can anyone help me save some space on my overcrowded hd?