user "unknown"


after updating to 10.1.5, some random, redundant stuffit files are now showing as being owned by "unknown". when I try to delete these I am refused by "you do not own these items". this still happens even when I am logged in as root.
can anyone help me save some space on my overcrowded hd?
* Download the utility BatChmod.
* Drag the offending file to BatChmod.
* Change the owner to your name and be sure the R and W below are checked.
* Check the "Apply ownership and privileges" and "Unlock" under "Enclosed files and folders"
* Click Apply.
* Enter your admin password when prompted.
* Close BatChmod.
* Delete the file in the Finder with ease.
that worked beautifully! thank you.
the "apply ownership" button was inaccessible, though. is that a problem?
thanks again.