Search results

  1. S

    slow startup after security update?

    no, not just the first time. i know that it will usually take a while to boot up after the first restart after the initial installation. the subsequent restarts don't take nearly as long, but they are noticeably longer.
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    slow startup after security update?

    has anyone else noticed a considerably slower startup after installing the latest security update from apple? i've noticed that both my macbook and imac take an additional 10-20 seconds on the grey screen before they boot up
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    synching ical and mail

    i want to have ical send alarms for events to me directly to the mail app. but for some reason when i set it up it will go to my email account with gmail, but mail won't receive it. my mail seems to work fine otherwise, i can send and receive messages from others, but i can't get it to retrieve...
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    bluetooth mouse and keyboard

    i have an imac with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and lately the bluetooth icon in the upper right corner keeps flashing with a battery icon behind it. i presume this means the battery life is getting low. how can i check the devices' battery life, there must be some way to do this. also, i've...
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    opinions on this memory vendor?

    i want to upgrade my first gen macbook's memory to 1GB, but it's a bit pricey from apple- $150. what to you guys think about the memory this vendor is offering? any drawbacks to using third party memory?
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    need hard disk space

    i'm in need of some hard disk space, so i want to delete some apps i'm never going to use, such as idvd, imovie, iweb, and garage band (most of ilife, i know). but im never going to make any movies since i dont have a dvd writer on my macbook anyway. so my question is i know to delete these...
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    windows won't remember the passcode for bluetooth devices

    i know there's another thread similar to this below, but i have a slightly different problem. i can get my wireless mouse and keyboard to work with windows, but i have to install them manually each time by opening the bluetooth preferences, uninstalling the devices, then reinstalling them...
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    chaning icon and label of windows hd

    so i just installed xp and boot camp on my imac today. on my mac desktop there is an icon below the mac hd that is labeled as untitled, and has an identical icon representing how much i partitioned for the windows hard drive. my question is there any way to change the name from untitled? It's...
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    battery health and maintenance

    sorry, here it is: it's just called maintenance
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    battery health and maintenance

    my first question is i've had my macbook laptop 6 months now, according to istat pro, my battery health is at 93% after 33 cycles. Is this normal? I don't use the battery that much, and usually keep it out of my laptop, just run it on ac power most the time, is this a good method, or should i...
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    using mail app

    the mail program seems really useful, but i use a yahoo account. to link it to my account, i have to have a premium service from them. does anyone know another mail program i can use that's free AND i can forward my mail from my yahoo account to? thanks.
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    extra memory for running boot camp?

    i know that you need to partition off some memory to run parallels on macs, but what about bootcamp? i checked the apple website and it only states that you need 10GB of free hard disk space, no mention of memory. also, are there any negative effects of running this in regards to system...
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    any correlation?

    is there any correlation between how much of my hard drive is used up with how smoothly or how fast my computer runs?
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    music files saved twice?

    how come music files are saved twice on my harddrive? there's one file in my music folder, then another file, that's the same file extention and size save in my itunes music folder? the only difference between the two is that in my itunes music folder, there is a track number right before the...
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    ideal battery state

    cool, thanks again
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    ideal battery state

    really? keeping the battery in the macbook is better than leaving it out? should i just keep running it until the battery drains, or keep the charger plugged in? thanks
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    ideal battery state

    im new to laptops, and just got a macbook. i mainly use my macbook at home, so i just take the battery out and plug the laptop into the powercord. my question is what is the ideal way to prolong battery life if i use it like this? should i just keep the battery at a low charge when i'm not using...
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    memory usage

    i don't have a good knowledge at all about computer stats and internals, but my free memory seems really low. i have the istat widget and it says that i only have 5-8mb free on my macbook (of 512). is this normal? my computer seems to be laggy in perfoming some functions, and i don't have any...
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    Transferring files from pc to mac

    what do you mean by finalize? i'm burning it on my pc, and i know that the burning process is done because when i put the dvd back into the pc, the file show on the disk, but not when i put it in my mac
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    Transferring files from pc to mac

    I did a pretty big search on this, i couldn't come up with the specific solution to my problem. i have .dmg file on my pc that i need to put onto my macbook. now, i've read about all these programs and on how to convert the files, but my problem is that i can't get the file to show up on my mac...