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  1. T

    Non-Airport basestations.

    Hi, What has been the experience with trying to use a non-Apple Airport Base Station with OSX (and using the Airport (silver) card)? I gave up using my Apple at work as we only run a gold network, but for home use I'm thinking of a SMC base station which has gold support, but also mac address...
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    Virtual desktops

    I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with that one; but I come from a Unix Worstation world where I'd like to eventually replace my current Linux box with a MacOSX box. Currently, I have 10 virtual desktops, with an average of 6 or 7 windows per desktop open. In some windows I have a "konsole"...
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    Colours in

    Well, what I want to do is far beyond just the use of directory colours. Those are sometimes useful, but I use colour properties of the terminal for a variety of other applications, system log viewers, mutt, and so on. vt100 hasn't much by way of colour support...things like xterm-color and...
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    Colours in

    Hi, I know that there are some custom colours that one can apply to the Terminal sessions for simple things like inverted or bold text, but I was hoping that something a bit more, well, pretty was possible. I usually use Eterm or Xterm or even kterm for my terminal needs, and have gotten...
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    Terminal display

    I suspect that what you saw was an alias to the "ls" command such that folders and other special files are given symbols after their name to represent what they are. My favourite way of doing this is is to use "ls -FC" as your ls command, which will give output such as: Desktop/...
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    Virtual desktops

    Thanks for the suggestion; I had noticed that one there, but it didn't actually work for the OS X release version; at least, it doesn't seem to bind an application to a given virtual desktop. I suspect something may have changed from the beta to the release of OS X that's confusing it. It's...
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    Virtual desktops

    Anyone know if there are any virtual desktop applications in the works for OS X? About the only thing that would keep me from using OS X more regularly is the fact that one screen hasn't been enough for about 7 years... Thanks!
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    Orinoco Airport card doesn't work

    Ah. Yes...we are using 128bit / Gold. I guess I am stuck for the time being then. Thanks for the pointer!
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    how to build ssh2

    That's great that someone has built a package for SSH, but, in my opinion, this isn't something that I'd ever want to trust. Security-centric applications such as SSH can easily be built with backdoors and one should never ever trust a precompiled binary for something that could essentially...
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    Orinoco Airport card doesn't work

    Like you, I'm unable to get this to work under OS-X. What's worse, I can't get the Orinoco card to work under 9.1 either, even with Airport 1.3. We use an encrypted network at work, but when I try to attach to it, the card insists the key is incorrect; we know that is not the case. Most...
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    how to build ssh2

    Okay, so, this recipe will work you want to run the older version of openssl; but how will we get openssl 0.9.6 and so on to work down the road? My problem at the moment is that openssl the application itself won't link: cc -o openssl -DMONOLITH -I../include -dynamic -DTHREADS...
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    What's the magic to get OpenSSL 0.9.6a-beta2 (or thereabouts) to work under the release version of OSX? Configure and config both don't recognize Darwin, and config.guess generates something that still isn't known by Configure; compiling fails with a series of undefined functions at the...
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    Classic startup disk error.

    The MacOS 9 cd that ships with OSX will not boot on my G4 Titanium; so I am not able to perform a full re-install as a test. When I try to run the installer on that CD from 9.1 (that does boot fine still -- seperate partition on my hd) I am told that it will not run on my computer. This, I...
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    OS X 1.0 & dev tools

    OS X comes with three CD's: 1) OS X 2) OS 9 3) Developers tools for OS X. The third was a bit of a trip down memory lane, as it is largely filled with similar tools to the developers tools on NeXTSTEP. It's great to have that feeling again, I must say. Even the icon for...
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    Classic startup disk error.

    The system is new-out-of-the-box yesterday; with a fresh partitioning and install of 9.1. I didn't re-install the 9.1 that came with X, but, I suppose I'll give that a shot now. Thanks.
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    Classic startup disk error.

    I have OS X (release version) and OS 9.1 on my Titanium G4; but when I try to run Classic or any Classic applications, I'm immediately given an error: "This startup disk will not work on this Macintosh model. Use the latest installer to update this disk for this model." Suggestions? Scott