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  1. C

    Problem with NFS and special characters

    *bump* Anyone? I really need some help with this... Thanks.
  2. C

    Problem with NFS and special characters

    Hi, I use my Linux machine as a file server, and in some of the filenames I use nordic characters (Å, Ä, Ö). I want to use NFS to mount it on my Mac, but character encoding is screwing it up for me. When I mount an NFS share from my Linux machine, all file/folder names that have those special...
  3. C

    Help! OS X won't display the standard Font dialog!

    Well, I've had this problem for quite a while, but it hasn't really bothered me, until now... The thing is this; Whenever I try to bring up the standard Font dialog (Via 'Show Fonts' in like the Terminal or TextEdit), nothing happens. It seems like somethings loading for a fraction of a second...
  4. C

    Help: Installing pFTP ??

    Hi. I'm trying to install a CLI FTP/FXP client called pFTP (, and I'm having huge problems. No, it's not available through fink, so I have to compile it myself, and yes, I have the Developer Tools installed.. First, when I run the ./configure script, i get this...
  5. C

    Frustrated! Problems with VLC (slowdowns and choppyness)

    I posted this at another forum too, but I need quick help so I hope noone will mind me posting here too :) I have had my Mac for little over a week now. I bought it thinking I could do everything I could do on my PC. I had heard good things about VLC so movie playback didn't seem to be a...
  6. C

    Help! Can't change the icon and name of my system partition ??

    Well.. I just tried to change the icon for my system partition, and it seems the priviliges have changed for it somehow. I have another partition (which mounts in /Volumes), which I can change the icon and name for fine. I've changed the icon and name for the system partition before without any...
  7. C

    Terminal: ANSI color "Dark grey" ??

    Anyone? Or is there a good replacement for that can use ANSI colors correctly, and be transparent :)
  8. C

    Terminal: ANSI color "Dark grey" ??

    I've had my Mac for 4 days now and I'm loving it. I have a small gripe with though. When running programs that display ANSI color text (like BitchX and irssi), all colors will display correctly, except the one BitchX calls "Dark gray" (I don't know the real ANSI color codes), it...
  9. C

    Making the monitor go to sleep?

    I'm looking for a way to put only the monitor to sleep, not the entire computer. Main thing is I don't want to have to wait 5 minutes before it does, and not have to change the energy settings every night.
  10. C

    Making the monitor go to sleep?

    I was wondering if it's possible to make the monitor go to sleep with a Terminal command.. I have my computer in the same room I'm sleeping, and I have it on all the time, so I don't want the monitor on when I'm sleeping (I have an eMac). Right now I have to go to System Prefs' Energy Saver pane...