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  1. S

    Control Access through server

    I have a mix of Macs and PCs in the house. The kids are on PCs and I'd like to control and monitor at the gateway level so I only have to set it in one place, not on several machines. Also, the kids have school notebooks they bring home which I can't set such things on.
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    Control Access through server

    I have a Mac OS X Server setup in my house as a firewall/gateway. I want to be able to control the access of the kids so they can't get out at certain times of the day, etc. based on IP or MAC address. Is there a tool that gives an easy way to do this?
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    Analog to DV conversion AND TV

    I have a Panasonic PV-GS300 DV camcorder, but I don't think it has that ability. That's why I was asking. But if someone knows if they can do the conversion through the camera, please let me know how!! Thanks. //edit: I have confirmed that this camcorder canNOT do analog to digital...
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    Analog to DV conversion AND TV

    Ok, I have read through the threads here, and I have search all over the net with no real answer. I'm hoping someone can help. I am looking for a device to help me convert my older analog videos to DV. The ability to watch TV using the same box is intriguing, though not required. In a perfect...
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    Password Storage app to sync between Mac and Windows Mobile

    Windows Mobile cannot read or open password protected Word or Excel files. (Gee, thanks Microsoft...) The trick in this is that I like to have these things on my PDA as well as my Mac so that I can always find the login, password, Serial number or whatever. Easy to do if you have a Windows...
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    More than one external monitor on an iMac?

    I have a 24" iMac (Intel) and currently have a ViewSonic 19" flat panel hooked up to the mini-DVI port in the rear. Everything is working great. BUT, being the weirdo that I am, I'm wondering if there is any way to hook up yet another monitor? Is there such a thing as a USB video card/adapter...
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    Password Storage app to sync between Mac and Windows Mobile

    I have a Treo 700wx and I am syncing it successfully with my Mac using Missing Sync. When I had a Windows machine, I used SplashID to store passwords, serial numbers, etc between the PC and the mobile device so I could have those with me anywhere I was. Is there anything like that for...
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    Help with mounting/unmounting problem

    I tried that before I posted. No luck. Something about not having rights or something which didn't make sense since I am on as me and I have rights for everything. Anyway - I got tired of messing with it so I went to bed. I got up this morning and it had "auto-magically" reconnected itself...
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    Help with mounting/unmounting problem

    I have a file server that has some external drives hanging off of it. I have mounted one of the drives on my Mac (which is using Samba in the background). The drive accidentally got turned off, which wasn't a problem on the file server, and it was removed from the desktop on my Mac. But in the...
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    Help with printing to Windows shared printer please...

    Wasn't sure which area to post this.... I have two printers (one is an Epson R300 and the other is an HP LJ1320) that are hooked to a Windows XP Pro machine on my network. These are shared using the standard Windows sharing. I went through some setup and had both printers setup on my Mac...
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    Need help ripping a DVD

    I ended up getting DVDxDV. Rips a DVD to DV format file. That worked great. But I will try MPEG Streamclip just to see.
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    Need help ripping a DVD

    I have a DVD with some content on it (not a commercial movie) that I need to get on my Mac so I can do some editing. I have tried a bunch of stuff but everything seems to degrade the quality. I have tried Handbrake converting to MP4 at an average bitrate of 1024 using Xvid, as well as 2048...
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    FTP problem

    Thanks. I tried those things and nothing changed. Then my wife walked in the room and said "that's not the right IP address honey". I checked, it was off by one number, changed and it worked. DOH!!! Thanks for the input, and sorry for my stupidity. :)
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    FTP problem

    Quick update: I did a tracert on both machines. On the PC, it took 15 hops to get there but it got there. On the Mac, it takes the same hops, but when it gets to the next to the last hop, it just starts giving me "* * *" as it tries to go the the next hop (which is the final one, the IP I...
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    FTP problem

    I'm switching over from a Wintel machine to my new 24" iMac. Loving it but having an issue with FTP. I have downloaded Captain FTP and Yummy FTP to try them out. When I put in the exact same information that I have on my Windows PC (using WS_FTP), they both say "Connecting..." but never...
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    Need help with sharing files

    SharePoints did the trick. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!!!
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    Need help with sharing files

    Here is my scenario: On the mac, user "Bob" wants to share his stuff, but only the stuff in the public folder. I go to system prefs and select Personal Sharing and Windows Sharing. For Windows Sharing, I select the user "Bob" and type in the password. Good to go. Now on the Windows side I'm...
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    Need help with sharing files

    How do I setup "Guests"? Right now from my Windows machine I have to attach to the sharepoint using my login, which I'm not fond of.
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    Need help with sharing files

    Thanks to both of you for the replies. I have turned on the both sharing options and played with it. What I notice is that everything I have is shared then, not just the stuff I want to limit things to. A suggestion a friend made was to setup a user called "share" and have that account be...
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    Need help with sharing files

    I just got my 24" iMac and must say I am quite pleased so far. I am switching back to a Mac after having been on a Windows machine for quite some time (my last Mac had System 6.x on it...). I am still working through changing the thinking process from Windows to Mac and would appreciate some...