Search results

  1. N

    GNU filetools (rm/mv/ls/etc.) COMPILED and OPERATIONAL under OS X

    Just wanted you command-line hackers to know that I've successfully compiled and installed the GNU filetools. I came over from using mostly Linux and I didn't like the 'quirky' (to me) behaviour that I was getting from the tools included in OS X PB. If you have the Darwin developer tools, you...
  2. N

    PB on G4 Cube + accessing Windows shares in 10 easy steps!

    Hi all, Got the Public Beta up on a G4 Cube, it runs fine except Sleep and Restart are broken. As an aside, I've written a HOW-TO on accessing Windows shares - you can find it at: Have fun! -n8
  3. N

    Access Windows Shares Under Mac OS X in 10 Easy Steps

    I wrote the following HOW-TO on accessing Windows shares under OS X, hope it helps some of you guys out! Feedback is welcome...let me know how it works out... -Nathan Odle ------------- HOW-TO: Sharity on Mac OS X Maintainer: Nathan Odle...