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  1. S

    hard drive crash?

    If the hard drive were kaput I would expect the disk utility to simply not recognise the device, hanging the system suggests that the Mac is struggling to read from the hard drive. I would think (please bear in mind these problems are difficult to diagnose over the net!) that the drive is...
  2. S

    my photon 2.5 external storage device won't mount

    Hi there, The following is a guide to what the problem COULD be, without having the device to diagnose you cannot take any of the following as gospel. When the kernel crashed it is possible the file system was being updated, the crash prevented the completion of this update hence leaving...
  3. S

    Lacie Usb Drive Not Mounting

    Hi There, I'm Chris I work for a data recovery company in the UK. The problem you are having is likely to be one of 2 things: File system corruption (hence the inability for the system to find the B-Tree) Bad Sectors on the hard drive (quite common on the Western Digital or Maxtor hard...