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  1. E

    5G ipod art issue

    I was hoping I'd not have to do that...such a pain. But it may be the only way to go. What would really suck would be to do that and still have the problem.
  2. E

    5G ipod art issue

    Okay, I tried that. Up to now, the box was not checked. So I checked it, some analysis then began on the ipod, then I got an error message stating it could not be updated at this time. I disconnected and checked for the artwork, and it is still not displaying it--even though the box is still...
  3. E

    5G ipod art issue

    I did use itunes. I don't think it can be done otherwise. I simply went to the "get information, artwork" tab and deleted it.
  4. E

    5G ipod art issue

    This is the darndest ipod seems to selectively display the artwork on some songs, and doesn't on others. I have a 5th Gen iPod 60GB and it seems to not display the artwork on certain songs. What's crazy is that itunes shows the artwork when sync'd, but when you disconnect and...