5G ipod art issue


This is the darndest thing...my ipod seems to selectively display the artwork on some songs, and doesn't on others.

I have a 5th Gen iPod 60GB and it seems to not display the artwork on certain songs. What's crazy is that itunes shows the artwork when sync'd, but when you disconnect and play the same song on the ipod, no artwork.

Tracing this back, the art problem seems to have occurred after the upgrade to itunes 7.0. I have the latest software (1.2) and have even tried deleting the artwork on the ipod and replacing it, to no avail.

Is this a bug? Or have I not tried everything yet?

Verify that "Display album artwork on your iPod" is checked in the Music section of your iPod prefs.

Verify that "Display album artwork on your iPod" is checked in the Music section of your iPod prefs.

Okay, I tried that. Up to now, the box was not checked. So I checked it, some analysis then began on the ipod, then I got an error message stating it could not be updated at this time. I disconnected and checked for the artwork, and it is still not displaying it--even though the box is still checked.
You might want to restore the iPod to factory settings, then re-load the music, to get a fresh start.
I was hoping I'd not have to do that...such a pain. But it may be the only way to go. What would really suck would be to do that and still have the problem.