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  1. C

    10.2 is cool, but…(some sharing and rendezvous help?)

    Your not the only one with those rendezvous troubles. I have the same issues and a similar setup. One thing i notice is that the other users can only see me when I start sharing my dialup connection.
  2. C

    10.2: iMac Geometry resetting to default

    I have the same issue on my iMac. Please help.
  3. C

    Clue to 10.2 internet connection problems.

    I have the "cannot open communication device" error on my TiBook 550 when I try to dial in. By looking in the console, i can see that the "dev/cu.modem" is busy. Well what’s tying it up? I may have a clue. After trying to connect, a background application is started. By examining the...
  4. C

    Jag and Radeon 8500 and window resize is lousy???!!! Please help!

    Im sorry to say it would affect all macs. I would venture that even the dual 1.25 Ghz would have problem with it. These increasingly complex windows with all their aqua glitz sucks up CPU power like none other. I also agree that their should be an option to just use a grey outline like OS9...
  5. C

    C(++) Compiler

    The project builder that comes with OSX (on the developer CD) is great. I've been using it for some time now and have finaly given up on codewarrior. it's free, easy to use, and powerful. Plus it uses gcc, which is a great compiler. Has lots to offer! Give it a try.
  6. C

    Jag and Radeon 8500 and window resize is lousy???!!! Please help!

    Im sorry to say that i think jaguar has no acceleration for window resizing. It isn't a graphical function that QE can speed up. The CPU must recalculate all of the relative locations for frames, buttons, and text. Then it renders the window and sends it to the graphics card. Dragging it...
  7. C

    10.2 modem issues w/ TiBook

    Yes, it's 6C115. Can someone confirm what modem script a TiBook should be using. I don't see any titanium specific script. I just left it to what it selected, apple internal modem 56K v.90. I tried using the OS9 version of the script, but same error. I tried selecting some of the...
  8. C

    10.2 modem issues w/ TiBook

    I did call apple, but they couldn't help. They said I needed to do a clean install, which I did. No effect. Dialing under OS9 works, so it's not a hardware issue. Perhaps my copy is corrupted in some fashon, but it works great on the other two computers it was installed on.
  9. C

    Funky Finder

    I'd try reinstalling any drivers that came with the floppy drive first. The next best thing would be to wait for 10.2 and use that. Reinstalling 10.0 then upgrading to 10.1 then downloading to 10.1.5 etc. can be frustrating and is time consuming. Unless, of course, you have a later...
  10. C

    10.2 modem issues w/ TiBook

    Having installed 10.2 GM on my quicksilver and iMac with no problems and the systems running great, I procceeded to install it on my TiBook. The installation went fine, everything works great, EXCEPT I have a problem with the modem. When I try to dial in, I get a error message from internet...