10.2 is cool, but…(some sharing and rendezvous help?)


There are some things that I can't get to work (maybe because I just don't know how?).

I have one G4 connected to the internet via internal modem. It's also plugged into a hub that is connected to another G4 across the room. The internet sharing thing is cool simply because now my wife can check her mail if I'm in the middle of a good game of wolfenstein, or I'm just too busy to let her get on. But I can't seem to make the networked G4 connect consistently. Once I disconnect from my dial-up connection it takes some magic to make the networked mac see that connection again, once I re-connect of course. It usually takes a restart. I can turn settings in the sharing panel on and off, over and over and nothing seems to work until the G4 is restarted. Okay, there's one thing out of the way. Let's move on.

Rendezvous is another really, really cool feature. But again, my tiny, simple network seems to be messing with it. My main G4 (the one used for dial-up, etc.) sees users via Rendezvous through iChat from the networked G4. ie, if I log into iChat with my wife's AIM, she pops up in my Rendezvous window. However, I don't show up on the networked G4 as a user. If I send the networked G4 a message, it receives it and lists my IP address as the sender (instead of my Name). Maybe all this new, simple stuff is just too confusing for me, I've tried everything i can think of to work around this with no success. For the record, the main G4 is an 867 with Internet Sharing turned on . The networked is a 700 with Printer Sharing and File Sharing turned on. I believe that's all I've messed with.

Whoooo...man. Now, is anyone else having major problems with MouseWorks (it don't work) and their Wacom tablet (it don't work neither!). I was really looking forward to playing with InkWell. I was bummed when the Wacom drivers wouldn't load. I guess we'll be getting a slew of updates from software people soon, eh? Oh, I miss ASM too :(
Duh...I did the archive and install, so yeah, those preference panes that installed at the system level and not the user level need to be added back. So I guess I'll have mouseworks back in a minute. And I'll re-install my tablet drivers as well. But ASM still doesn't work :)

Any other info on the internet sharing/rendezvous stuff is still welcome. As a little note. Now the networked G4 (the 733) sees me, but I can't see it (in the rendezvous window in iChat). And yes, I realize I made a typo back there. I've got a G4 733, not a 700. Thanks again.
Your not the only one with those rendezvous troubles. I have the same issues and a similar setup. One thing i notice is that the other users can only see me when I start sharing my dialup connection.