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  1. AvisNocturna

    Looking for Beta Testers for new Logo Design Software

    Forgot to add: An Intel Mac and Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later is required. You can find more screenshots and artwork here:
  2. AvisNocturna

    Looking for Beta Testers for new Logo Design Software

    Hi! We have reached a late beta stage for our new logo design software called Logoist. Here is a short description of the app: "Logos, Title Art, Icons, Banners, Web Site Elements, Greeting Card Headings, Buttons.... you name it! Create stunning images with Logoist for Mac. Logoist allows...
  3. AvisNocturna

    OSX on my Umax S900

    Hi, tried to install OSX PB on my S900. At first, tried to select the cd as an Startup Disk. rebooted, chime and nothing, a black screen. So i patched system disk to make my S900 believe it is an 8500. rebooted, and wow, it showed up an colored mac an the rotating wheel. But then, i got an...
  4. AvisNocturna

    OS X on UmaxS900 (Pulsar)

    Hi, i tried installing OSX on on unsupported machine (Umax Pulsar S900). First i failed selecting a boot disk in the system disk control panel. at i found a hack via resedit that made system disk believe, my Umax Pulsar is a 8500. After applying the patch, my...