
Omniweb is commercial but you can use it for free. It will ask you for a license once a month if you choose to use it for free. Not sure what that makes it, freecommware, commfreeware? lol
Ordinarily I'd say you call that PesterWare, but OmniWeb's too good to be labelled that.

after update:

cd /Library/Receipts/10.0.2Update.pkg/Contents/Resources/
lsbom 10.0.2Update.bom > ~/tmp/10.0.2

And, for those prudent souls who wish to know what they are installing <i>before</i> they install it (come on people, it's just a computer, ignorance is a friend), here is that file:



I like the customizability of OS X, but I would like more.
I am not of those weekend mechanics that fine tune their system
to suit them rather than changing most of their habits to
use their system.

I would still like to see hotkeys, using the F-keys to launch apps :)
also more localization, and more fonts, more keyboard layouts, more MP3
functionality (if it can possibly be done), better CD-R performance
so we can show those windows people that are going over to XP that
freedom of expression is an apple trait :D

--> Creativity and expression is paramount <--
I followed the instructions to update 10.0.0 to 10.0.1, all worked fine.
Now that 10.0.2 is released, I can't find a way to update my system! Software update reports that it can't find any new software to update, and when I go to the apple site (http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/n75134) and click on the link to download the update, it says that the software can't be found!

Is this problem specific to Australia? Seems a bit strange to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


(Rev. A iMac, 96MB RAM, 17Gig, OSX 10.0.1)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I like the customizability of OS X, but I would like more.
I am not of those weekend mechanics that fine tune their system
to suit them rather than changing most of their habits to
use their system.

I would still like to see hotkeys, using the F-keys to launch apps :)
also more localization, and more fonts, more keyboard layouts, more MP3
functionality (if it can possibly be done), better CD-R performance
so we can show those windows people that are going over to XP that
freedom of expression is an apple trait :D

--> Creativity and expression is paramount <--

Look in the /System/Library/Preferences/Keyboard.preferences and open the nib file. You'll find evidence that hotkey support is coming. As far as mp3 how about showing ID3 info in the Finder?

I received a small speed increase in 10.0.2 (which took nearly a half an hour to "optimize"). I just want so much to use X but the load times of applications are always aproaching or greater than 30 seconds. Scrolling is horrible. Forget Classic. I know 128MB of RAM is not very comfortable for OSX. Will upgrading RAM really make X act as responsive as I have heard? Is there another avenue to pursue to speed up X?


iBook DV 128MB RAM 10GB HD
9.1 on 250MB partition
10.0.2 on remaining partition with a small independent install of 9.0.4 (for Airport updates - thanx Apple).

I would say that your Ibook starts to be a little to old. Buy the new one :)

On a G4 400 mhz 256mb OSX is much much faster than Os 9

Seeing how this iBook was new in September, I doubt my wife will let me get a new one. I did ask though :-) I will be buying more RAM tomorrow. Can somebody relate the firmware/RAM/iBook issue I have heard bits and pieces of?

When the RAM gets here I'll report my findings. OSX faster than OS9 - looking forward to that!

So as I mentioned above, Jove, OS X is not useable. Even with this machine (see config. below) that was supposed to totally rock and roll with the SMP and advanced memory management I cannot work due to the overall lag in everything... And on top of that, ATI now says that the Rage series chips are not going to be supported in OS X.

So Great, Now What?

Config. Follows:

G4 450 DP/MP
448 MB RAM
30 GB HDD partitioned into:
5 GB OS X 10.0.1 + OS 9.1
5 GB OS 9.1
20 GB Documents and Files
OEM ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP
IX Micro Ultimate Rez PCI
OEM Adaptec 2930CU SCSI
Iomega Zip SCSI (External)
Kensington Mouse-in-a-Box Optical Pro Mouse
Palm USB to Serial Adapter
Apple Pro Keyboard

(reposted from another thread, as mentioned before, but for Jove's benefeit.)

Originally posted by glowurm@mac.com
So as I mentioned above, Jove, OS X is not useable. Even with this machine (see config. below) that was supposed to totally rock and roll with the SMP and advanced memory management I cannot work due to the overall lag in everything... And on top of that, ATI now says that the Rage series chips are not going to be supported in OS X.

So Great, Now What?

"...The reason that ATI is not developing the RagePro drivers is because Apple has decided that they want to do it themselves. There WILL be RagePro support, just not directly from ATI.


ATI Technologies"

This is a quote form a thread titled "ATI Bastards..... " at bbs.xlr8yourmac.com

glowurm, I didn't forget your previous posting. I just have heard sooo many differing responses about X's speed. Some say it is faster than 9 others like you and myself find it unusable!

I am trying to figure out what the hardware/installation/perception issues are that make the reported speeds vary.

And glowurm, your signature talks about the "firmware" feature. What exactly was/is the issue?


I am not the proud owner of a 466Mhz G3 with 320MB RAM and 10GB hard drive. I would assume this would be enough to make X come alive. Nope.

Application load times have decreased slightly with the more RAM. Relaunch times have dramitically decreased.

I still haven't figured out why under 9.1 and Classic an application can lauch almost instantly while the same application in X can take up 30 seconds. What in the world is X thinking about when loading these things!

My strategy now, with more memory, is to keep as much as I can in memory and use mostly Classic apps.

I hope Apple figures out how to optimize X for systems like mine.
