10.04???? is it my mac or.........


Hi All,
I`ve just swiched over from 9.1 to 10.04...(bought a newer G4:) )
I must say, NOTHING works correct. Toast, my MO drive, even photoshop is`nt what is was. I gave up hope a little so start up with 9.1 again.
Is 10.1 or 10.2 so mutch better or wil I still be having the same kind of problems?

10.04???? Yes, definitelly 10.1 - and of course 10.2 are more stable. How come the G4 had 10.04 with it? :confused:
Get at least 10.1 to it. It will run much better. And 10.2 will be much better than 10.1. (Then update either to 10.1.5 or 10.2.4, and 9.2.2). :)
You're applications might not work correctly on OS X because you're going to need to get the updated versions of them. You should be able to run most applications through the Classic environment though without much problem.

Yes. get the 10.1. CDs first. What did you have on your previous Mac? If you didn't have 10.1 or can't get those, I'd suggest 10.2. It's faster and works better..
My other mac is a 6400 performa with a sonnet G3 card.
9.1 system, works fine for photoshop etc...but had the chance to get a G4 in kind of a cheap way.
I think i`ll buy 10.2, but is it really worth it. My G4 runs pretty fast on 9.1 and I can do my thing on it. What makes 10.2 so special? besides the looks :)
Do they even HAVE 10.1 available anymore? When i tried to get it, my local mac store (CPUsed) had too many, and they were free. They offered me more, cuz they had way too many in the store, but i said no.
If i would've gotten the second copy, i would send it to you right now. But i didn't :(
Best thing to do is get 10.2, it's pretty fast and it looks pretty, it's extremely stable (my comp only freezed ONCE since i got it, that's because all the programs froze for some reason.)
10.0.4 is only semi functional, i would recommend getting your hands on 10.1 or even better 10.2, dont judge osx based on what you have now
Don`t get me wrong, I dont judge X at all!
I just want so more details before i spend € 165,-.
You must know I`m not a programmer or computer specialist.
I`m a graphic designer / illustrator.
I chose apple a long time ago cause the graphic speed and specialy because thay are user friendly. I just don`t want to lose that..:)
Hoi pipeloi!
My tip is: Play around with it in the store (if you have a store closeby with macs). It is the future, so it is well worth to get so you can learn it. and i think it is a lot easier and more user friendly than 9.1-2. if you ever get upgrades to the applications you use, they will need osx to run.
btw: 165 euro seems a lot... you can probably get it cheaper if you look around (165 euro is like 180 us dollars, i think it was sold at apple store for about 125 us dollars).
Seeing as Mac OS 9.X is dead (at least according to Apple) and 10.0.X is essentially still a beta, you would be very well off moving up to 10.2.4. The question is: what major applications do you use? I know Photoshop and Toast are Carbonated, but not everything is. I'd say if 40% or more of the stuff you do works in 10.2, you should upgrade. However, if the majority of what you do involves Quark, you should either stick with 9 for now or move to Indesign.

Give us a list of the applications you use, and we'll tell you what works in 10 and if you should move or not.
He's in Europe, Decado. Unless he orders it from Apple stores in US, he'll have to pay the European price .. which is that (and e.g. iPods... 20 G is 499 $ in US and 649 € in Europe). And no Apple stores in Europe in the next 12 months at least.

Go to any store selling Macs in your city, jan, and play with 10.2 for some time. You'll see if you like it. I love it - mmmh unix... :p - some are more comfortable on Classic though. Play with it for a while and decide. If I didn't have OS X I'd have gone to Debian, FreeBSD etc - not Classic - an I do graphics.. You should decide yourself after trying (in the store etc) whether you like 9.x or 10.2 (or 10.1) - if you feel comfortable with 9.x, there is absolutelly nothing wrong with that. Try first. ;)
Thx Giaguara,
I thinl I`ll just do that.
The major software I use : Photoshop 5.5, (going to upgrade soon though)
Illustrator 7.0
Strata 3D studio
In that case it's no wonder you're having trouble. Photoshop 7 and Illustrator 10 will run natively in Mac OS X, but earlier versions will run in emulation and take a SEVERE performance hit.

If you can afford to upgrade your commonly used apps to the newest version and get 10.2 as well, then go for it. Otherwise, you're better off staying with Classic.
10.0.4 is 'usable' at best. it was the first version of osx that was even worth playing with imo. 10.1.5 is nice. it works excetionally well and most every commercial app will still work with it. if you can manage to get somebody to make you a copy of the upgrade, do it (it was free after all). Then you will really get a good feel for whether it's worth investing the money to go 10.2. you might want to put your money into upgrading important apps first at that point. then you;ll be all set when you move up to 10.2 (or 10.3 as the case might be by the time you're ready)
Okay I`ll look at some dutch Apple comunities, see if I can get a copy of 10.1 upgrade. .........Some other dutch guy`s with a spare update here? :)