10.1.1 caused me thirteen hours of severe frustration


I'm disappointed. I was enjoying osx 10.1 tremendously until I tried updating it yesterday to 10.1.1. the install went well, no problems at all. Since they I've spent about 13 hours trying to get it to work. What's the problem? Well, all my old third party applications failed to launch. They either froze the whole system or just kept on launching forever without finishing. When I rebooted I was unable to select 0s 9.2 as I have been able to do before. When I tried to check whether the software update panel had anything else to download, it froze too.I must have rebooted 30 times. I reinstalled the 10.1 update on top of all this but that didn't change anything.

Basically, my system became useless. Now, I don't use a lot of apps, mainly basic stuff, so I can say I have a fairly 'typical' setup for the average user. Nothing extraordinary at all. What I'm trying to say is that if I were the average user with little experiences with Operating systems in general, I would freak out totally. It's unacceptable that Apple releases an update that has the POTENTIAL of causing this kind of trouble with a basic system. I don't know what went wrong with my system but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one around.

Anyway, after working, and then not working and then working again, things are now working. But now I don't trust the OS anymore. I should never have tried this. Damn. I'm travelling and can't reformat since I haven't been able to backup for a few weeks....

Just venting.


I had no problems at all with 10.1.1, but it seems that there are plenty of people here and elsewhere that did. Can we see if we can find some form of common denominator amongst the systems that have had the problems and those that haven't? Then maybe, rather than just bitching, we can work out WHAT it is.

I'll start:

I have a Powerbook G4 500. When 10.1 came out I did re-initialise and complete reinstall of both 10.1 and 9.2.1, which are both on the same partition.
I use Tinkertool, Transparentdock and Windowshade.
I only have one user set up on my machine (I know, I know...)

PD - what's your set-up? did you upgrade to 10.1, or do a full install? do you have partitions etc?

Come on guys, let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this!!!
For the record, I'm not bitching. I'm making a point that for the average user ANY problem is huge and shouldn't occur when following Apple's advice and recommendation. Having said that, I agree that we should try to get to the bottom of this. Here's my setup:

I have a Powerbook G4 400/384mb. I too did a low level format and reinstallation of both 9.2.1 and 10.1 when the 10.1 came out. I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1. Both on the same partition. Not other partitions . I use tinkertool and basic office and graphics productivitiy sofware. Only one user on my machine too.
Originally posted by PD
I too did a low level format and reinstallation of both 9.2.1 and 10.1 when the 10.1 came out. I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1.

So you reinitialised, then installed 10.0.4, then did the 10.1 update? If so, that would seem to be the main difference between our two systems...
The 10.1.1 upgrade completely HOSED my system! From 10.1, I opened the Software Update panel, clicked Update Now and let it do it's work. Everything went smoothly. Reboot. Black Screen of Death! Reboot. BSoD. Shut down completely. Wait. Reboot. BSoD.

I spent a good portion of yesterday reinstalling 10.0 -> 10.1 so I could back up my personal files (thank gahd it didn't take down the drive completely), then wiping the partition and reinstalling 10.0 -> 10.1. What a major pain in the ass that ONLY would have been worse had I lost data.

Never again. I've been burned by Apple's "updates" in the past (can you say blocking G4 upgrades with their FlashROM upgrade of my Blue G3), but this is the last time. Unless it's sorely needed, and I've backed up everything of importance, Apple's updates are staying on their servers as far as I'm concerned.
So your 10.1 was from the 10->10.1 update CD?
I know it's hardly a representative sample, but are we spotting a pattern?
i installed 10.1.1 on my machine and its is aweful. Its slower than 10.1. And Word keeps crashing. Its really pissing me off and i'm thinking of going back to 10.1.

I installed 10.0 then used the update CD to 10.1 (when 10.1 came out) then used the software update pannel to update to 10.1.1.

So why is this update causing some great responses and some horrific responces? I just feel like when i upgraded i took a step backwords on performance.

The only problem I experienced with 10.1.1 was my clock switched itself to 24 hour time. I switched it back no problem. My upgrade path was from 10.0.3 to 10.0.4 to 10.1 via upgrade CD then to 10.1.1. This was done on 2 different iMacs. The minor clock adjustment only happened on one of the iMacs. I have noticed no system performance increase or decrease on either machine.
It's interesting that there's been such a wide range of problems arising with Mac OS X and its updates, when only trivial differences exist between the systems it's installed on. I myself have had almost no troubble at all with it. On my dual G4, I installed the Public Beta when it was released. I didn't have much trouble with it, except that near the end of its life cycle, I could no longer restart or shutdown. I would just be presented with a new login window. I tried "shutdown -h now" from the terminal, but I got a kernal panic. That was the only problem. I later installed 10.0 over top of the Public Beta, and still had no major problems. I followed the updates all the way through 10.0.4, and the only difficulty I had was sendmail kept getting hammered because the installer would always set / to be group writeable. Now, on my iBook, I installed 10.0, downloaded the upgrades for 10.0.4, and now I've got 10.1.1. The only problem I've had with this system (besides the severe lack of physical RAM) is that the UNIX find command wouldn't work without root access, but 10.1 fixed it. I've never seen an operating system cause such a wide variety of results on a line of computers so homogeneous as Apple's. There must be some simple unseen factor that we're unaware of.
I updated to 10.1.1 no troubles so far.
only at startup the wheel stops spinning but after a few seconds everything is back to normal.
Is this common?
I also have the "frozen" rainbow circle for a few seconds while booting up. Seems to be a "feature" of 10.1.1, but at least the boot-up process itself is pretty quick.
I'm another happy upgrader with (almost) no problems. Did a complete wipe of my OS X partition when installing 10.1 off the upgrade CD. Then installed a "preview" of M526 about a week ago. Then last night, deleted the 5M26 receipt and installed 5M28 from the stand-alone updater.
I have the impression that everyone who is having big problems with 10.1.1 got it from Software Update. Anyone get screwed by the stand-alone updater?
Could it be that fluctuations in the flow of data from Apple's servers during the update installation is the cause of some people's problems?
I've noticed the spinning wheel freezes for a few seconds, but everything seems normal. Maybe I'll restart with Command-V sometime and see if any suspicious error messages come up.
did you all, (problem people) update to what was it, 5J14 then UD the installer, before finally UD to 10.1.1? only i dont think that 10.1.1 installs/updates 5G64 to 5J14 etc b4 UD to 5J28, and this may be why.
I updated from 10.04 to 10.1 (5G64?), then updated security, then the installer and, finally, 10.1.1 update. I don't know anything about the other builds...could you elaborate please?
My upgrade seemed to go smoothly, until I went to do a backup. It failed to recognise a CD-RW disc, calling it a CD-R instead, and then it failed to burn.
I dropped back to Classic to do a full backup and will probably start a clean install once that's finished. I'll let you know how it turns out.
The system was set up as:
9.2 clean installed from CD
10.0.4 installed
10.1 upgrade disc
- software update run: security patches, etc
10.1.1 upgrade patch
Aside from that, I noticed no difference in interface or performance.
Originally posted by PD
I updated from 10.04 to 10.1 (5G64?), then updated security, then the installer and, finally, 10.1.1 update.

thats what i meant, not the problem then, sorry don't have any ideas.
when i updated to .1.1 all seemed well for a moment. the computer took forever to boot (no chime, either). when it finally boot up, no programs would open... mail and system preferences would open, but nothing else. so i did the normal stuff, fsck -y'd it 3 times, ran disk util from the 10.1 update cd, then zapped the pram. everything's fine now... weird.
I just realized that my system is back to 10.1 now. I guess reinstalling the 10.1 update on top of 10.1.1 removed the latter. I've noticed something itneresting on my powerbook though. I've had this machine since August, using it everyday for aroun 6-8 hours. Never has the fan gone off before. Until the update the other day. I've heard the fan 3 times since then. Nothing has changed except for trying to update the OS. Same room temp, same environment....

Any ideas?
