10.1.5 Desktop not updating


When I got my Powerbook G4 (came with 10.1.2 I believe) My desktop would update in the background if any change was made to it. if i downloade a file in something like internet explorer, i'd get the E document file icon and the download meter on it, and it would fill up then change to its proper icon. If i saved a textedit document, it would show up right away. Now in 10.1.5, Nothing will happen to the desktop until I click on the desktop and switch focus to Finder. If i download five files in IE, and can see the desktop where they should be, they wont show up until I click on the desktop. it's not life threatening, just annoying. Any ideas?

Being new to the mac world, I just thought it was a feature not a bug. hehe

Actually really got the better of me at first and I ended up with copies of files .1 .2 .3 all over the place cause I couldn't figure out why things weren't appearing.

If you do hear of a solution (other than updating to 10.2 which I will do when it's released) please let me know or post here.

I've been reporting this aberrant behaviour since OSX 10.1, and have been rewarded by a lot of people telling me (in various ways) that it is somehow all my fault.

This along with a lot of other bad GUI feedback in OSX is a real drag on my work productivity and accuracy.

Seems the Mac is becoming a Windows emulator, in bad User Interface anyway, (but not in features)!
Originally posted by gastroboy
Seems the Mac is becoming a Windows emulator, in bad User Interface anyway, (but not in features)!
The only way to force it to refresh is to restart the finder.. pretty lame actually. I can drop into a terminal shell, and ls the contents but the damn finder refuses to display the new files until I restart it.. frustrating as all hell.

Atleast windows has the F5 key, and VIEW -> REFRESH.

I certainly hope this BUG has been addressed in 10.2 because it's been around way to long as it is.

Oh, just thought of one thing which may work for missing files on the desktop.. to force a refresh, you may want to try putting in a CD to see if that refreshes all the file listings when it goes to show the icon for the CD. Would be a real cheap way, if it works.
Simple clicking into an empty space in desktop will usually update it for me. It is annoying, as Finder windows actually update by themselves relatively quickly.
Originally posted by ladavacm
Simple clicking into an empty space in desktop will usually update it for me. It is annoying, as Finder windows actually update by themselves relatively quickly.
I wish clicking on the desktop would _always_ refresh it, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The problem I find is with network shares.. I can have a finder window open for a network drive, and on occasion I cannot get it to update at all, even when terminal says there's a wack of new files.

Frustrating as hell sometimes.
Nope! 10.2 Jaguar STILL has this problem. I've noticed that it is somewhat better. If you download archives and unpack them, you won't see the unpacked files on the desktop until you click to focus on the desktop.