10.1 Announced Tomorrow - Weeks End

well Admiral.. once again as i said .. i agree with you....

do yuo remember me? i asked you if you needed help with the site..i speak 4 languages rememer???
well let me know if i can help you out :-)

I remember ;)
My site is always open to suggestions - Just take a look at it and drop me a line if you see something weird or wrong in spelling.

I am considering making a spanish version sometime next summer too Russian to follow sometime in december 2002 - january 2003

I wonder how much traffic I would have if I make my site even more multilingual lol

--> I got my "teach yourself arabic script" book today :D Waiting for my norwegian and italian books :) AMAZON.COM IS FAST!!!!
Here's my thoughts on a "not available until friday at midnight". Does anyone remember the release of Mac OS X 10.0? I bought it from the online Apple store, and as I remember, it was set to be released on a Saturday. That week, rumors circulated that Mac OS X was coming to everyone on Saturday via FedEx Air Saturday (or was it UPS..?) for no additional charge.

Anyway, if Apple get's a large demand for 10.1 (which I think they will), they'll probably do something very similar; you will get your copy of OS X 10.1 on saturday without paying anything extra for shipping. After all, the cost of shipping such a small/light package en Mass is very nominal (let's see here... i'm guessing about $2/box for production, $1/box for shipping. That's a hell of a lot of money in Apple's pocket. All the better if you ask me. For example, no one, besides bill gates ;), donated $1 million dollars to the red cross, but a lot of people contributed a little. I think a $17 _contribution_ to a company like Apple is well worth it. Hey, maybe with the profits from OS 10.1, Apple will have enough money to buy palm. I know _everyone_ would _love_ to see that ;-).

OK, one last thought. $20 isn't really that big of a deal. I work at blockbuster video for $5.50/hour (and I'm sure most people make more than that). That's about 4 hours of work for me. Big deal. How many _thousands_ of hours will I use Mac OS X 10.1? C'mon, think about (Think Different, maybe?)... everyone here _probably_ uses their mac as much as me (why else would you be so concerned about 10.1?). 10.1 should last us a LONG time, and we'll probably get two or three "free" downloadable upgrades along with it. Even if you only use the computer an average of 2 hours/day.. if 10.1 sticks around for 6 months, that's less than $0.06/hour. Geesh, I'd gladly work four hours for months of fun and frustration to satisfy my macintosh affinity (and put some cash in Apple's pocket).

Don't get me wrong though, I'm still all about getting 10.1 for free :D .

In our world of instant satisfaction, that's the best way to please me. So, I propose to Apple, let those of us lucky enough to own a CD burner download 10.1 for $10. Hopefully that'll pay for some bandwidth and it'll let those of us who need OS 10.1 "three weeks ago" get it sooner.

If that's too much, how about this-- If you pay the full $20, allow us to download 10.1 while we're waiting for our CDs to arrive.

Well, I've rambled too much. Let me know (as I'm sure you will) of any gaping holes in my thoughts :) .

What i think GW was trying to say is that it's time to return to normal life. Hearing this statement if problably particularly helpful to people who feel guilty when they are not always thinking about the deaths, or when they find themselves laughing with a friend over a joke. You dont need to be consumed with sadness, get on with your life, have a good time.
BTW, not only did Apple donate $1 million, but they said that they will donate an iBook to every victims family that has kids. That is possibly 2000 iBooks (very rough estimate) for about $2.6 million retail value.

Effectively, Apple is donating $3.5 million to the victims.
Originally posted by swizcore
In addition, I dont care about paying 20 bills for the upgrade.
I just want the pretty blue box- oh no, here I go again...

You know what? I agree. $20 isn't that much, and its not worth the wining. If $20 gets me the box and all the cd's I need, well thats cool. It would be nice to completely re-install if I wanted to without downloading a huge file and burning it.

And if the box (the *pretty blue box*) contains a few Apple Stickers... I'm sold!

(although I some how feel entitled to a free - completely free - ride to 10.1, it might be worth the $20 for all the fixin's!)
OH YEAH! Apple stickers all the way. I wish you hadn't mentioned that, now imgonna be bummed if It doesnt come with any. How about some sweet X stickers ewww. nice!
well thats got to be one of the greatest marketing strategies i heard in a long time. Well done Apple, lets see your market share rocket for a couple of million dollars of PR.
lets be honest, its great and that, but wouldnt you rather see $2.6m dollars going towards the starving and homeless children of the US, rather than the unfortunate children who are going to get hefty govermental payouts anyway?
I love Apple, but im not so blind to see that their 'donations' dont come straight from the heart.
And can we please end the 'chat room' comments on the US tradgedy. its pretty boring now, i come to these forums to find out about OS X not to read somebody's heartbreak over the US incidents. Can i write endless posts about every other world tradgedy? no, i'd get booted wouldn't I, what makes this so different?

Awaiting the flames.....

PS. how can i get the upgrade? i dont have any coupons, i dont remember getting any, i have really old coupons from 9.1, somebody mentioned they're the same, can anyone verify that?