10.1 performance report

Originally posted by Mac Write
I am sick and tired ot people saying "X is for the newest hardware and the future. Get a new Mac"

...well, you may be sick of it but it's the facts. Apple is not going to do what you have suggested they "need" to do so that leaves you with two choices:
1. Stick with classic
2. Live with the performance you can get from OSX until you CAN afford a new system.

Simple as that.
X runs well on my Beige. but Apple needs to get it to 90-95% or better of the speed of 9.2.1 on all G3/G4's.

right now I am at 80%. I would love a new computer but I can't afford it and alot of people can't either like 80% of the people.
Originally posted by Mac Write
X runs well on my Beige. but Apple needs to get it to 90-95% or better of the speed of 9.2.1 on all G3/G4's.

right now I am at 80%. I would love a new computer but I can't afford it and alot of people can't either like 80% of the people.

With two processors I am at 100% the speed of my classic system. Above that, I dont crash anymore and OSX's ability to really multi-process send/recieve instructions and I am faster than my classic OS.

I can definitley see how a single processor Mac would still be a bit slower in OSX than classic on the same system.
Easy for you to say;
"Dual G4 500
Os X 10.1
1.5g RAM
110g HD
Yamaha 16/10/40 CDRW Firewire
Sony DCR-TRV830 DV Cam "

Originally posted by swizcore
it makes me happy to read through a thread where people understand that 10.1 is intended for the upper end of the last two releases of G4's and still go at it with their "older" systems and are happy; realizing that it cant be as fast as a new G4 DP800.
Finally, practical people with reasonable expectations getting stoked on the OS instead of complaining that they got shafted for 10.1 not making their systems on par with a new G4 DP800.
Mac Write is right on.

My Beige 233 is purring along with a 500MHz G4, and for $500 it sure beats a new machine. Sure it's not the Dual-800 I use at work, but it's a damn capable machine.

Besides, every month I squeeze out of this machine equals innovations in the machine I eventually shell out for.
I should have stated, that I am running with the orginal CPU @266mhz. The only upgrades I have done are:

•OrangeMicro USB/Firewire PCI
•Yamaha Firewire 16x10x40 CDRW
•Maxtor 60GB ATA 100 7200RPM (I would have gone 100GB but I wasn't sure it it supported above 32GB and it only saw 32GB the first try of the install (Stupid Windows).
•256MB RAM (Total 416MB)

Future upgrades for Christmas/spring

•ATI Radeon VE 32MB PCI
•2x256MB RAM (How much could I sell the 32MB/128MB DIMMS?)

I may also add a ATA 100 IDE controller to triple the Hard Drive speed.

This computer will be my primary computer through July 2003. I also will be using the latest software until then.

I have scrapped my plans for a 1ghz G4 upgrade card (made the plans 3 years ago), since it wouldn't be supported, etc.
Originally posted by robotmarkVIII
Easy for you to say;
"Dual G4 500
Os X 10.1
1.5g RAM
110g HD
Yamaha 16/10/40 CDRW Firewire
Sony DCR-TRV830 DV Cam "

well, I was just saying that there are alot of people unreasonably expecting their "older" machines to perform just like the demo at the expo and that it's not fair to expect this.
For what it's worth, I also have a 500MHz Pismo (stock drive, 256MB) and I can tell you without a doubt that 10.1 is faster. I'm very impressed with the speed. Yes, IE does seem to bounce as much as before, but it appears to bounce faster and definitely renders pages much faster.