10.2.1 - can't open 'disk copy' utility any more.

Open up Console in the Utilities folder, and then try starting Disk Copy. Let us know if any useful error messages appear.
dyld: /Applications/Utilities/Disk Copy.app/Contents/MacOS/Disk Copy can't open library: /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecordingUI.framework/Versions/A/DiscRecordingUI (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
Open the Terminal, run this command, and post the file listing that you get:

ls -l /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecordingUI.framework/Versions/A

Mine looks like this:
[DiscRecordingUI.framework/Versions/A] dave% ls -l
total 112
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel      114408 Sep 18 18:27 DiscRecordingUI
drwxr-xr-x    9 root     wheel         306 Sep  8 17:31 Headers
drwxr-xr-x    7 root     wheel         238 Jul 29 04:01 Resources

See if anything looks terribly different... Hopefully it's a simple permissions problem or something.
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 9 root wheel 306 Sep 9 23:13 Headers
drwxr-xr-x 16 root wheel 544 Sep 18 18:41 Resources

... this is a brand new computer, too... what's the dealio?
I would recommend that you open your /Library/Receipts directory and remove the file: MacOSXUpdate10.2.1.pkg, then run software update again, see if that takes care of it. If not, try running Norton or at least Disk Utility to check for problems on your system drive (in fact, this is a good idea anyway)

Hope this helps...
removing 10.2.1 from the receipts folder yields no change in system update. there are no new available updates. i'm running disk util now.
tried twice. no dice. should i reinstall X.2 using my software restore disks? Classic doesn't work either, so i need to reinstall that anyway.
A reinstall probably would fix the problems. If you try an upgrade install over what you've got, you might be able to leave most of the system in its current state. . . hopefully. . . :-)
any tips before i make the dive? i'm not exactly sure what' i'm doing here ^_^.
That's really irritating that the receipts thing doesn't work anymore...

Versiontracker has a link to a 10.2.1 .dmg for d/l. I would try that before a complete re-install. Otherwise...

yeah, i tried that a couple of times. apparently the updaters don't errorcheck very much. mail also went on the fritz because i had removed it from the applications folder and moved it to applications/iApps. i thought it would at least search for the program instead of updating a non-existing file.
anyway, how can i reinstall X.2 without losing any information? i'd like to keep pretty much everything, but preferences can be reset (although i'dl ike to keep preferencepanes).
Just like davidbrit2 said: run the Jaguar install disks and do an Upgrade install.
To make sure you are doing an Upgrade (which should be the default, but it pays to double check) proceed through the first few screens (Hello, blah blah blah, license agreement) until you get an "Options" button on the lower left. Click it. Make sure that the first option: Upgrade, is selected. Make sure that "Archive and Install" and "Erase and Install" are NOT selected. Then proceed with the installation. When you're finished, you should run Software Update again.

If that also fails, you might consider an "Archive and Install" installation. This will collect (most of) your system files and stash them in a folder called "Previous Systems." Then install a whole new system. If you do this, you probably want to select the sub-option to preserve user and network info, to save yourself some time. After an archive and install, you can find your old Users folder in the Previous Systems directory.
This is a second-to-last ditch method before nuking your hard drive (option 3, erase and install). I deal with a bunch of Jaguar macs running all kinds of tempermental stuff like 601 SDI Digital Video cards and Maya... They get pretty fux0red on occaison, but I've yet to see an archive and install fail to fix one. You have to reinstall some software and move your stuff out of the Previous Sytems folder, so it's kind of a pain in the ass, but it beats the hell out of losing everything.

Not to scare you, though... the Upgrade will most likely work and be painless (if time consuming).

it won't highlight upgrade as an option. any ideas why? could it be because i deleted that receipt? i hope so. i'm trying the 10.2.1 update once again to restore that receipt.
great! now a bunch of my programs won't open. adium, stuffit, itunes, quicktime, and others. hooray for apple! i'm SO HAPPY about all of this. ^_^.
Hmm.. can't upgrade... That sucks. (Must be new for 10.2.x, this worked for 10.1.[1-5]). I guess it's time for the Archive and Install.

As long as you select the option to keep Users and network settings it's not _too_ bad. Once it's done, the first thing you should do is move your Users folder back into place from the Previous Systems folder. This folder will be right on your hard drive, and you'll have to go into the Previous System 1 folder inside. You'll see all the directories that make up an OSX install. You should replace the new /Users folder with the one at: /Previous Systems/Previous System 1/Users
This would be easiest as root, but if you didn't enable root and don't care to, you could log in as yourself (an administrator, that is) rename /Users to /Users.o, and then copy over the Users folder from /Previous Systems. (Thus pulling a little switcheroo). Log out as soon as it's done, then log back in.

You should have just about everything back to the way it was at this point. The only things that would be broken would be 3rd party utilites that installed in naughty places like /System/Library Some applications might bitch about licensing (and make you re-enter your serial), as well.

Your 3rd party apps will all still be in /Applications, and only the old, broken Apple apps will be in the Previous System directory.
PrefPanes and extensions that install into /Library will be gone (I think) and you can either reinstall or pull them out of /Previous Systems/Previous System 1/Library

When you can't Upgrade... and you can't reinstall the failed update... this is pretty much the next thing to try.

Hey, look on the bright side, pre 10.2, when you got to this point the only option was to reformat your friggin hard drive....

Just be patient, and careful, and before you panic, remember, that all your stuff is there... it's just in Previous Systems

Good luck.

beautiful! it kept most of my preferences fine, i just had to reload the preferencepanes. i really appreciate the help. i've learned a lot about my system. thanks so much for your time and your quick responses. both of you.
you guys rock! ^_^
No prob.

Out of curiousity, did you update to 10.2.1? Or are you once bitten twice shy...

Also, after a few days (or so) after you're sure you have everything you need, you'll probably want to trash the Previous System folder to save space.

Glad you're up and running :)