10.2.1 update is out!!!!!

No noticeable improvments...window resizing in browsers is still slow and shows multiple scroll bars...Where's the big Quartz Extreme enhancement? There's no difference between 10.2.1 and 10.2.

Thanks again Apple!
Hey Apple,

I know what I can do...Why don't I give you $2000, then you can kick me in the nuts, and we'll call it a day! I'll save so much time that way.
Build 6D52

My machine seems a little more responsive. iDisk mounts almost instantly now.
Originally posted by bobw
Build 6D52
Rats! One build short! ;)
Guess I'll have to wait 'til it's available on Apple's website. :p

(Hehehe! It's already posted as a stand-alone on versiontracker.com!)
10.2.1 is sooooo much faster than 10.2. I see huge improvements with QE how do you not notice this.
Originally posted by übermac®™
Hey Apple,

I know what I can do...Why don't I give you $2000, then you can kick me in the nuts, and we'll call it a day! I'll save so much time that way.


Who promised a x.x.x upgrade would be the shiznittlebamsnipsnapsally?
I thought it was just a bug fixer? If you do give them 2g's right now, I bet your mac would be a lot faster than whatever you are running it on. Personally, I've had this one for almost 2 years, and it is fasst. Anyway, ciao.
I noticed an immediate improvement in Mail.app--loads much quicker, more responsive after loading. iCal is some quicker loading, but much more responsive after loading. All cocoa apps have really improved, especially MacJournal.

I like it.

Ken Frazier
Ubermac, do you even have a Quartz Extreme capable Mac?

C'mon people. It's a x.x.1 upgrade. Minor improvements, nothing earth shattering.

Jessh. Some people need a reality check...
Hmmm, "appears" faster with scrolling/resizing with Mozilla 1.2alpha. Also XDarwin/OroborOSX seems to launch faster, and the windows appear to move/resize faster. But this is all of 5 minutes of playing with it :)

Originally posted by übermac®™
No noticeable improvments...window resizing in browsers is still slow and shows multiple scroll bars...Where's the big Quartz Extreme enhancement? There's no difference between 10.2.1 and 10.2.

Thanks again Apple!

Do you have a newer machine capable of utilizing Quartz Extreme? I'm going to say you don't, since everyone I know has seen improvements with their newer (last year or so) machines, and little to none on anything older.

I've been told you need 32mb of vram to expect any large gains with QE.

"Quartz Extreme functionality is supported by the following video GPUs: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX, or GeForce4 Ti or any AGP-based ATI RADEON GPU. A minimum of 16MB VRAM is required." (Apple's website).
You know what I love about you guys, you think its my fault that I'm not seeing any improvement. Yes, I have a QE enabled machine with 32 MB VRAM, and a "fast" G4 processor.

No, Jag 10.2.1 is not any faster than 10.2. Its not exactly a stick in the mud, but its not what a 10.2.1 should be. Windows 2000 runs at lightning speed compared to this on a much slower PC.

I just think its HI LARIOUS how Apple keeps shoveling crap at you and you say "Thank You!"

I'll keep on laughing all the way to eBay.
10.2.1 is a very, very, very minor increase. Apple doesn't claim anyplace that I saw, that 10.2.1 was going to offer any speed. 10.2 offered a -lot- of speed difference, at least in feel, on my 500Mhz G3 laptop. Don't think of 10.2.1 as a Microsoft service pack, think of it as a collection of the minor, annoying updates you get every few weeks with MS.