10.2.2 caused Finder freezes, but Apple had a fix


When will I ever learn - as soon as my software updater pops up with an update I run it right away and never have the patience to consult macosx.com.

Today I installed the 10.2.2. update and within 20 minutes of restarting I had two finder freezes (cursor and keyboard locked out completely). Since I have 90 days of tech support with Apple I called them. They had me go to my Home/Library/Preference folder and drag the file "com.apple.finder.plist" to the trash, then boot of my 10.2 CD and run disk repair and repair privelages (P.S. For some reason he said it was important to deselect then reselect the drive between running each of these).

So far so good - no freezes for about 6 hours.

P.S. I have a DP 1 GHz and upgraded from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 when I had these problems.