10.2.3 Problems


HELP, Mail, iChat, Network Setting do not open. Half of my menubar is blank. anybody else with issues after update? I hope I am not the only one.
I've just run it for the 10th time. does not seem to be working or my iMac is really f***ed up. I'll keep trying, thanks for the tip.
Also, have you moved any of these apps from their original location or changed their names? If so this is most likely the culprit. It is always best to leave them in their original locations due to the fact that the updaters will look for them there and nowhere else.
I'd suggest disk warrior. this app is a must-have and it has saved my a$$ after disk first aid and fsck both failed.
Seems like every x update my G4 tower has more problems. I started getting kernal panics after insalling 10.2.3 ; the white box stating you must press the reset key. I finally screwed up my drive ... it won't mount. fsck -y will not fix the problem. I ran Apples hardware trouble shooting software and i said I had a bad memory module (not 3rd party, but the one Apple installed.) I went and purchased a new drive and set it up as the master drive and the original as the slave. My question is will Diskwarrior or similar product possibly fix the "Macintosh volume" on my old drive so I can retrieve data files?