10.2.5 when? lol

Rumours are there will be no 10.2.5. Or at least that's what SpyMac said some months ago, when talking about 10.2.3 and 10.2.4. I personally believe that there might be a 10.2.5, as 10.3 is still about half a year away and there are certainly bugs to be fixed in 10.2.4...
Originally posted by fryke
Rumours are there will be no 10.2.5. Or at least that's what SpyMac said some months ago, when talking about 10.2.3 and 10.2.4. I personally believe that there might be a 10.2.5, as 10.3 is still about half a year away and there are certainly bugs to be fixed in 10.2.4...

Ok cool... but I still find that coming in from old 10.2.2. and seeing the small advancements from 3...4.. is quite a good job Mac has done... I mean things seem faster... on my Mac... Now... :)
Btw. Things seem always a bit faster after an incremental upgrade:

1) The system is optimised while installing.
2) There certainly ARE improvements, albeit small ones.

Usually, the 10.x.x upgrades are small upgrades that update individual packages, like CD-RW support and graphics card support and the like. For some, those are very, very important updates, because their hardware wasn't supported earlier, or supported only half-heartedly.

However, the latest updates have been quite big, and I still don't quite know what exactly made them that big...
i think if we see another x.x.x update, it'll be in late may/early juneish.

from everything i've read and heard about 10.3, its still not due until late summer.... so that's a big gap in updates from apple, given their recent track record of updates every few months.

i think they may focus more on apps now though, with the new appleworks, iTunes, iChat, safari, etc... due out soon.
hmm well it must be because i did a clean install of 10.2 after i upgraded, since 10.2.4 decided to not let my computer boot. At least I had backed up recently.
Speaking of 10.3, has anyone seen anything or heard anything about it? Maybe Apple is really keeping the lid on this one but I find it kind of odd that no one knows anything about 10.3 betas or anything like that.
Apples been keeping things on the lowdown pretty well lately... Those iMacs got leaked (on time magazine?) before macworld and apples been keeping everything pretty secret. I saw a few leaked v58 safari's before v60 came out... but they were probably just made up :b Who expexted 12 and 17" PB's at MWSF last month?
fryke...so in 10.2.5 i'll finally be able to use the bluetooth enabled radar gun, robocop wristwatch w/firewire port, and triangle dvds?
Originally posted by ApeintheShell
fryke...so in 10.2.5 i'll finally be able to use the bluetooth enabled radar gun, robocop wristwatch w/firewire port, and triangle dvds?

Don't forget laser eyes....
i hope that something about customizeable gui is in there

i dont think osx aqua is going to be accepted by the design community. (i have never seen 1 yet and i am a well traveled nyc freelance designer)
Hmm... There are a few designers 'round here that use OS X. And I know basically no designer who doesn't want to switch to OS X (from OS 9). Only... They're using Quark and have a hard time adopting to OS X with Classic. They're jealous of our little company, because we switched to InDesign with version 1.0. And are now moving forward...