10.2.8 update brakes loginwindow program


After my update from 10.2.6 to 10.2.8 on my 933 G4 with ATI Radeon the loginwindow application does not want to start anymore and therefore does not provide me with a login window. This results just simply in light blue screen sitting there and not doing anything. I can ssh into the mac, so the network runs and some of the coreservices seem to run but /var/log/System.log tells me that loginwindows has not the correct length and therefore bombs out.

Anyone else with such problems?

Oh.. and i can't open my DVD-CDROM drive anymore. The eject button doesn't work. How can i mechanically open up the drive so at least i can insert a installation CD to start from the beginning?

I've got the similar "blue screen" effect however it was because I installed quicktime 6.4 and had to kill the installer midway through x.x.

I don't know how much I can help but have you tried:
correcting the prebinding? (through ssh 'sudo update_prebinding -root /')
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106464 this article?

1. Waiting what is currently 6 days for 10.3 ;P
No, haven't tried that yet. I installed 10.2.6 again. Maybe i give it a try during the weekend. See if your suggestion works.
