Originally posted by dricci Cut is one of the biggest features I miss from Windows. I used that all the time. It just seems natural to me. You can cut text, pictures, etc from documents, why can't you cut folders and documents?
I totally agree. While I understand SimX's argument on it, I think that reflects the stereotypical "Mac user" and trying to save them from themselves. Why we "power users" need to suffer because others can't use the computer in a safe manner is ridiculous. Fine, I can understand if you don't want Cut in the context menu, but that functionality should be there, if not obvious to the typical (l)user. Not having it seems to me to make it incomplete. Often I want to move something and end up having to make it in two step, copying it and then going back to the original and deleting it. Dumb. I wonder if something could write something to enable this functionality if Apple won't.