10.2 Early?


With all the talk that people with new machines alreay have 10.2 and the news that First Tech here in Minneapolis will start selling it at 10:20 pm on the 23rd, maybe those of us who ordered it from apple may get it early. Apple doesn't seem to be to concerned about it getting out early since they alreay are doing it.

Just a thought. I'll keep an eye on my doorstep all next week!

I ordered the $20 upgrade a few days ago and I've been checking the status of it and it's gone from being reviewed, to processing, then to being assembled. I'm hoping they say, "Oh, what the heck," and send it out early. That would be cool.
Originally posted by bogd
I ordered the $20 upgrade a few days ago and I've been checking the status of it and it's gone from being reviewed, to processing, then to being assembled. I'm hoping they say, "Oh, what the heck," and send it out early. That would be cool.

$20 upgrade? What is this? i just puchased my X for the first time back in April, and i really don't want to shell out any more money again so soon. If i could pay $20, that would be tight.
Well at least I can get the educational discount, but i won't get it till i get to school in 2 weeks, considering there will be any left. Whatever, i'll get it when I get it.
Today I took my friend down to get a new eMac today for her going to college from our Apple Store here in San Diego, and it came with 10.1.5 BUT in the box there was the Jaguar 10.2 update cd's. I thought they weren't doing that? I thought it was only a full release....maybe it just said they were upgrades but they really weren't. I dunno, I don't care either cuz I'm stoked to have it! Now I don't have to buy it for my other computers. I loaded it and it works beautifully. It's build C115, but I think everyone already knows that by now.

I'm gonna try to load it as a full, fresh install on another box and see if it works. Anyways...just thought I'd say that. Oh, our Apple Store is holding a huge party on the night of the 23rd to celebrate the release of 10.2....maybe the other stores are doing the same....
Originally posted by HyperLiteG4
I'm gonna try to load it as a full, fresh install on another box and see if it works. Anyways...just thought I'd say that. Oh, our Apple Store is holding a huge party on the night of the 23rd to celebrate the release of 10.2....maybe the other stores are doing the same....

Will there be cake and ice-cream too? I think I prefer ChuckyCheese...

Originally posted by HyperLiteG4
Today I took my friend down to get a new eMac today ... it came with 10.1.5 BUT in the box there was the Jaguar 10.2 update cd's.
What's up with that?!!? I bought an eMac from the Chandler Apple Store last week and it came with 10.1.4 installed, no 10.2 cd's in sight! I feel shafted... :p
party at the apple store on the night before jag release eh?

this is the store in fashion valley correct?

might be there :)
I replaced my old eMac with a new one - this time with a combo drive. It also came with a copy of Jaguar.

I guess the Fashion Valley store (San Diego) are giving them out early if you buy a Mac.

Wahoo! I love it. (10.2 that is)