10.2 Experiences, what you expected? It sure blows me away!

the captian - sorry if we got a little off-topic here - back to your point, I really do like 10.2 - I think my favorites are quick start up, speech options are back and Sherlock - have you tried Sherlock for movies or local yellow pages (especially the maps that don't require the Mapquest lets-reload-an-entire-html-page-so-you-can-zoom-in-or-zoom-out...)? It is really awesome and I have to believe rumors that this will find it's way in a new Apple PDA. While Palm sits on an OS that would be more at home on a calculator or watch and Windows CE seeks to harness the complexity of Windows on a small screen, Apple may be able to wow everybody with a really amazing PDA that demonstrates that awesome usability comes from awesome programming and design.
I too am very impressed with JagWire. It is much faster on my G4PB400 (even without Quartz Extreme;) and is definitely more polished.

I do have many issues with Mail.app
There are indeed problems with sending files cross-platform. Mostly these *are* due to problems that Microsoft causes by making Exchange server behave in a non-standard way.

Nevertheless, this is a known problem and instead of Apple saying that it follows standards ( a fairly reasonable approach) it would be better if we were allowed to change things ourselves when needed.

My own complaint about Mail.app is that the new folder layout just does not work if you mix IMAP and POP accounts. I can see that Apple thought that people would like to see all their incoming mail in one box, but extrapolating this to the whole hierarchy does not work. The results are not logical and are rather confusing, as local folders and server folders get mixed together.

There was also a previous issue with the headers in Mail.app (for isntance, it stopped SpamCop being able to read forwarded mail), but perhaps someone else knows if this has been fixed?
Installed on iMacDV 400 and DP 1 Gig (old model).

Not much speed improvement on either. The iMac cuz it's a G3 and Apple flat out says you aren't going to see much there. The DP I was disappointed in a bit. I'd say around a 10% Quartz increase. Granted, the performance was pretty good before, so I wasn't complaining too much, but I was expecting more. A lot more.

Browsers, especially IE, still completely suck for window resizing. What a joke.

I am installing on a G4 450 this week, so I'll post back with my take on that box. I'm expecting a more noticeable improvement.

Take note that my speed comments are strictly on the Quartz layer, nothing else. Also, I have pretty high expectations for that GUI experience, so your experience might be more accepting.

Also, I haven't had a chance to experience all the other very good things in the update as I've been installing all fresh software for a completely new clean system.

One thing I did notice was much faster boot times in native and Classic. MUCH faster. Close to twice as fast? Also, APPS launch faster. Sometimes way faster, other times just a bit, but faster over all. Nice. Most importantly, the little apps that used to take a few seconds (calc, mail, prefs, etc.) now launch instantly. Finally. I hate waiting for a micro app to launch.
I want to dump Entourage, if for no other reason that the fact that it's a Microsoft app. But I can't have MAIL giving me trouble with attachments, and I don't care who's fault it is. Bottom line is that if it works in Entourage and doesn't in MAIL, that is Apple's problem, like it or not.

Anyway, I was just wondering if Zipping or stuffing files would get around the issue. Any thoughts?
Mindbend - you won't see much on your g4 450 - I have one with a Radeon 8500 and it seems that Quartz related functions are about the same.

I have other posts on this subject, and I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but why not just give us window resizing that only shows the outline of the window while you are resizing it? All Office X apps do this right now - why not IE or Mail? It would be just like the old Mac days, plus various *nix window managers have this an option with the addition of fancy outlines with screen coordintates (WindowMaker). I would really like to have this option whether I owned a G3 or DP 1.5 GHZ!