10.2 prices

This is sort of unrelated, but if anyone out there has an iMac that is still using 2MB of VRAM, then you NEED TO UPGRADE.

I just plunked in a 4MB upgrade to my stock RagePro chip in my beige G3. I thought it would help a little, just a little, but i had NO IDEA it would help as much as it has. I mean, it is just SICK how much it helps. Especially considering how cheap it is.

$25 from OWC, shipping included. http://eshop.macsales.com

Unreal Tourny actually looks GOOD instead of just "playable" now!!!! screen refresh is sooooo much better. Haven't put X on yet, i'm waiting for 10.2 for that. But the performance under 9 is VASTLY improved.

Buy it!
this is not 'sort of' but completely unrelated, my dear. :)

Back on topic: Please accept that it will be a *normal*, and thus *payable* *full* *upgrade* to the Mac OS. Wishful thinking is just that: Wishful thinking. I guess Apple made a big mistake when they released 10.1 for free, now.

What will you do if you *won't* see the following at MWNY?

For all buyers of a G4 in the last two years:

- Free PowerMacintosh G5 @ 2GHz
- Jaguar included
- 2 GB of RAM for free

Steve Jobs: "We think we owe this to our customers who have bought a G4 in the last two years."

Get over it already, puh-leeeese!

Jaguar in stores: 129$. Think this way, if it's GONNA be cheaper, you'll be happier if you accept the normal price. Common Sense really seems to be a rare item these days.
well. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this...

If I pay 130 bucks for x.2 and it isnt all that and a bag of chips, I am going to be sorely dissapointed. :)

I dont think many people here will mind filling apple's pockets with a little extra cash. We just dont want to be let down, or feel as though you could have saved the dough and stuck with 10.1.x and still not noticed that big of a difference.

-end rant :)
Believe me, there IS that kind of difference. Much more than say the jump from 8.6 to 9.0. More the kind of like 8.1 to 8.5 was. Try to remember (if you were there) how 8.5 felt to 8.1. I think it's a bit like that. The system feels smoother... Plus, there's a ton of new features, which you've already heard about.
Why didn't I have to pay for my upgrade in OS X? I bought it May. And it auto updated for free. Maybe I am missing something.... I love OS X though. I love my mac way more than my (now de-funked) windows machine.

I have a question. I hear that iBooks and iMacs are "consumer line." Does that mean that they are not powerful enough to do major things. I have a flat screen iMac with the superdrive. Will I be able to squeeze some great things out of it?


:: http://inlineguy.com ::
well i've decided that fryke should pay $129 even if it is less. he seems so adament that it should cost that much.:D ;)

(how many shares of apple do you own fryke?:p )
none, Ed, and I'm not proud of it. ;)

Hmm... I might consider buying two licenses if they ARE in fact cheaper. :P

I'm just imagining the boo-ing of Steve if he comes up on stage at MWNY and announces the following 'big' news:

1) All iMacs (same machine as before) now ship with iMovie 3 preloaded.

2) The iBook SE is announced. 14" screen, 800 MHz G3, 200$ more expensive and just a new choice, all other models stay the same.

3) The all new PowerMacintosh G4 ("2-Bays") can now hold two harddisks *and* an optical drive. Speeds available: 933 MHz, 1.13 GHz and Dual Processor 1.2 GHz.

4) The PowerBook G4 DVI now includes a Bluetooth USB adaptor.

5) Jaguar will ship 'at the end of summer' at a retail price of 129$.

Oh, and one more thing:

6) Titanium Pod 15 GB for 999$, you now have the choice between three MP3 players from Apple. And the new 'TiPod' goes well with the TiBooks, although Bluetooth isn't a feature of the TiPod, though maybe someone could make a Firewire/BT bridge.

Wow, what a show that'd be, right? Wouldn't we all be happy again?
Why didn't I have to pay for my upgrade in OS X? I bought it May. And it auto updated for free. Maybe I am missing something....
I didn't want your question to go unanswered. You're updates are the little 0.0.1 releases which have new features and drivers but are not the "major releases" which we are talking about. If you got it in May you probably got X.1 on it (or maybe X.1.3 or 4) and then it updated to X.1.5.

If you got it a year ago in May, then it came with X. when X.1 came out could be upgraded for free if you lived near a certified apple resale store or for the price of shipping if not. That was X.1 and was in my opinion a major release but we got it for free. X.2 will cost money because they can't afford to give away this great software for free.

I feel like I over explained that yet I'm not sure if I got the point across. It's too late and I need sleep. I hope it's clear, if not private message me.
Well if i have to pay I'll feel very ripped off. I purchased 10.1.3 for my first go at Mac OS X, and I hope they won't try to squeeze more out of me. I didn't pay full price, due to the student discount at my college, but still, I think a low price of $20 sounds cool. That would give me a reason to drive from Clveland to the Columbus, OH Apple store to pick up my CD. The last time I was here i complained about X, I use it more and more everyday.

Thanks man. You explained it. I got it this May (late May to be exact). I am a very recent Mac convert so I am still learning.

Thanks again.
Originally posted by Urbansory
I purchased 10.1.3 for my first go at Mac OS X, and I hope they won't try to squeeze more out of me.

They won't! You can use Mac OS X 10.1.x for as long as you want, as you bought a license to use it.

But 'Jaguar' is a major upgrade to the operating system, very much like Windows XP is, for example, to Windows 2000. The basis of the operating system is still the same, but there are a lot of new features, the system is more stable, faster and gives you the opportunity to do more (and more efficiently so) with your computer. Thus, the upgrade will cost you money, if you want it.

Basically, you also have the option to live with Mac OS X 10.1.x as long as your computer lives. It is a great computer with a great operating system and should do the tasks well that you do on it.

Apple usually doesn't charge for updates to operating systems. They're more like the 'service packs' in the Windows world. They charge, however, for full upgrades. Jaguar is one of these.
Well i might wait till i get my Ti, or iBook with Jaguar installed. Or I could do the college student rate of $76 AGAIN, no big difference, considering how much my school cost, IT SHOULD BE FREE!
Really, you are kidding yourselves if you think Apple will release 10.2 (or 10.5 as it will probably be called) for anything less than $99.

Considering everything that's going in to it, I believe $99 is a fair price. Some will argue that Jaguar should be free because it's only adding features that should have been there in the first place. Well, there are some features that Apple should have had in 10 - 10.1, but realistically, with Jaguar we are getting a much bigger upgrade than what most had expected. Inkwell, iChat, QuartzExtreme, Rendevous, improved Mail & Address Book, and Sherlock 3 are all big enough improvements on their own to warrant this a paid upgrade. But also consider all the tweaks to the Finder you are getting (very significant), QT6, super improved networking, Universal Access, etc. It's a very large upgrade. Much larger than 10.0 - 10.1, larger than 8.6 - 9.0, or even 7.6 to 8.0. Aside from the upgrade to OS X 10.0, it looks like the largest upgrade Apple has ever offered.

If the upgrade price bothers you, sticking with 10.1.5 is fine. You're not entitled to an upgrade for free just because you think you deserve it. I get really tired of this mentality. It's very destructive. Apple works hard on the upgrades, and deserves to charge for them when they are released. If $99 is too much for you, there are discounts available to those in Education. Plus, if you wait for a few months, discounted CDs start to pop up at places like SmallDog or PowerMax.

Either way - prepare yourselves for the price - it will be right around $100...
I would love to get it free, but I'm sure i won't. I just hope Apple takes into consideration the people that recently purchased the OS, after all they are trying to get people to convert, not piss them off. I paid for mine, and if I didn't have to pay full price, i guess i would be satisfied, I just better see Quicktime movies actually play near the frame rate they were made to. I haven't had my copy for 3 months yet and I'll have to buy another, how much sense does that make? I guess if you think about it, it wouldn't be fair to charge different rates based upon when you purchased it, since we can all upgrade to 10.1.5, I'm just made that i JUST bought X, and within 6 months I have to buy it again.
Well, Apple used to do that "proof of purchase" scheme, whereby you could get a new major release slightly cheaper if you had just recently bought the OS.