10.2 Sherlock network error


If you haven't had a chance to try the new Sherlock, please do - it is really slick for local yellow pages, maps and movie listings in your area.

However, I cannot get anything today - "Network Error" when all my network connections are perfectly fine. Is there something like a "Sherlock Server" that could be down?

Here is the message I get (and others for different services like Yellow pages)

Error “60” accessing “http://si.info.apple.com/sherlock3s/channels/movies.xml”.
Hey, I'm getting the same thing. It had me really worried at first because I hadn't had a chance to try Sherlock until today; I was beginning to think I had a bad install. Like you said, there must be a sherlock server somewhere that's down.
I thought the same thing. Mac support page was down at the same time. It works now. And perhaps it was a server problem.
Yeah, My Sherlock 3 just started working now. Sort of. "Pictures" can't seem to find anything, and the "Track Packages" channel I was looking forward to so much is nowhere to be found. Anyone else have the package tracking channel?
Yep, it seems to be back up now. I bet someone is in trouble and will get a Steve Jobs chew out Monday! Maybe Apple should be some of those IBM Linux servers?

Corey - I don't have anything like "Track Packages" either. What was that supposed to be? Is this the same as "Installed Packages" in Software Update (I can't rememeber if that was there in 10.1.5) or something different?